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That's what Olivia looked like and that's the shirt she had on so there all showing^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ok I know y'all are probably mad at me but I had to make it interesting not all love story's have a solid relationship the whole time.

When I woke up I had a killer headache the girl from last night still asleep what was her name again Casey, Callie, Karley ya it was Karley. Quietly I got dressed woke up Karley so she could leave. "Karley" I said shaking her "Karley" I said a little louder "mmmmmmm what leave me alone I'm sleeping" I had no idea "you need to leave before your stuck helping clean this mess up" with that I left calling an Uber. "Hey your the same Uber that dropped me off" I said noticing the same dude "uh ya hey" he was laughing "Olivia wait" I heard turning to see Karley come running out of the house with half her dress back on and heels in her hand "well damn Karley put your dress back on I know I took it off but do I need to put it back on" I said as she got in the Uber with me "oops I didn't want you to leave without me my phones dead and I wouldn't be able to call for an Uber" oh "no problem turn around let me help you" I said helping her put her dress back on.

"Wait your the one who gave her all those hickeys?" The Uber driver asked in confusion "umm ya and the same for her" Karley answered with a small smile "cool" he replied I couldn't help but laugh. After he dropped her off I said "I saw my girlfriend kissing a guy and then went upstairs with him so I found Karley and that's why" a sad smile popped up on his face "my girlfriend cheated on me to I know how you feel but having a one night stand won't make you feel better" he said "I know I got really drunk and then it just happened I didn't even know her name and I was upstairs with her we were both just using each other" I don't want anything more with her "I know but it will just hurt you in the long run" he's right "I know and your right I felt terrible the whole time but I couldn't stop even if I tried I was so heartbroken. I was going to surprise my girlfriend because she knows I hate party's and she invited me to this one but I didn't go with her. Then when I get there she's on the table with some dude then I watch them go upstairs I'm not stupid" I was starting to tear up "hey don't cry over her you'll find someone who treats you right" I hope "thanks and here's a tip" I said getting out of the car.

When I entered the house there were a bunch of people sitting on the couch all talking. When they saw me enter Ivy and Iris jumped up "Olivia Grace St.Claire where have you been we were worried sick" Ivy said I almost rolled my eyes "what the fuck is that all over your neck and chest" Iris said. I looked around making eye contact with Dior who had tears in her eyes I just rolled my eyes at her like she didn't cheat first. "Well you see Dior over there invited me to come to the party. I said I would think about it about an hour after y'all left I thought the tequila bottle in my hand wasn't fun enough so I got dressed and got an Uber to the party. Well when I got there I saw Dior and some guy so I got really drunk then I saw them go upstairs to fuck got even more drunk cause why not and I didn't want to bother Dior so I found some girl and we just were dancing next thing I know we are in a room and boom. That's what's all over my neck Iris. Is that what you wanted." I said not caring about all the eyes on me "wait so a girl did that to you" someone on the couch asked "ya you should see her. She came running out of the house with half her dress on all my marks on display for the Uber driver" I said staring straight at Dior who had tears in her eyes.

Seeing her like that made me emotional I couldn't help but notice the hickeys on her neck as well so after the interrogation I ran upstairs and locked myself in my and cried. I took a shower noticing the hickeys on the inside of my thighs. Damn where is there not a hickey.

After my shower I heard my door trying to be opened "who is it" I asked with still crying "let me in Olivia" Dior said just as emotional "no leave me alone I never want to see you" I was still in my towel "Olivia if you don't open the door I will kick it in don't test me" I don't want my door broke so walking over I cracked open the door "what do you want cheater I don't want to talk to you I don't want to see you I don't want to think of you ever agin" I said as tears rolled down my checks chocking on a sob. She pushed her way in my room locking the door "I know I did something horrible and I'm so so sorry but please don't say that baby please" I was crying "don't call me that Dior please just leave me alone" I didn't want her around me "Olivia please I was drunk and I wasn't thinking straight please I'm so sorry" I didn't want to hear her apologize "no Dior cause you invited me to a party that I went to only to find you dancing on some guy and then proceeded to fuck him just leave me alone" I wasn't sad anymore I was angry real angry I could kill that guy "and you were drunk is a bad excuse what happens at the party's I didn't go to did you cheat on me then huh was I just a game to you Dior" I was fuming "no I never even danced with someone else besides the twins I don't know why I did what I did but as soon as I did I felt so bad you were the only thing on my mind. I ran out of the room and came straight here to find you weren't home so I slept in your bed waiting for you to come in so I could tell you but when you came in the door I was heartbroken. You were rubbing it in my face weren't you that's why you looked me in the eyes the whole time you were speaking." She was right "yes I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me turns out it only hurt me double time cause now I'm disgusted with myself for fucking someone I don't know knowing I was with you. I can't stand to look in the mirror all these ugly marks on me the only hickeys I want are your but you obviously blew that so for the last time Dior leave me alone" with that I pushed her out of my room and locked my door.

Sliding down it I cried for what felt like hours I heard her crying as she stud outside my door for a good 30 minutes.

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