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I woke up to lips on my neck at first I thought it was a dream but soon realized it was Dior "mmmmmm morning breathe Dior nooooo" she just laughed "I don't care Olivia now kiss me" she's demanding a little kissing happened before I got outta bed. I was in the shower when the door was slid open and in stepped Dior I wasn't complaining at all she was so beautiful. After we finished we got out and got dressed went downstairs for breakfast. I made French toast and pancakes I was good in the kitchen cause I used to cook with my mom she was so good. "Wow that smells so good liv where'd you learn to cook?" She asked with genuine interest "my mom she was the best" she smiled sadly "ya she was the best I miss her I know you must miss her to but she was like my second mom" her and my mom where close "I know she loved just like her own" I can't talk about it anymore or I'll get emotional and I haven't needed to smoke in a few days.

Once we finished eating and we're cleaning I heard the front door open and close in cake Ivy and Iris with those boys from the other day even the one with Dior was here. "Olivia you finally cocked for Dior we always tell her how good you are and when you finally cook for her she will be in heaven" I just smiled at the mention of her name "ya I did" I said stepping in front of Dior so the guy wasn't staring at what was mine even if we weren't dating I don't even know what we are but she's mine. It doesn't help tho seeing as I'm only 5 foot and she's 5'7', seven inches taller than me but our height difference was cute.

"So how was the party guys" I asked to break the silence "so good you should have came Dior I heard her mumble "oh trust me I did" I reached my hand behind me to rub her front "I didn't want to I had a better time any way" she was smiling "really" Ivy asked confusion lacing her voice "what did you do last night that was so much better than the biggest party of the year?" Iris asked "we had a movie marathon, prank called people, had midnight run to the store for snacks, got ourself kicked out of the store, and toilet papered the neighborhood" Dior said while laughing "we had so much fun I know I did" I said to make it more believe-able. "Wow so you had more fun with our little sister than you do when you sleep over with us" I knew they were joking but I kept it up " maybe you guys should be more like me she doesn't just want to just sit around painting nails and gossiping have some fun" I was laughing.

I went upstairs because they were all talking about things I didn't care about until my door opened "come down with me I don't want to be alone with Chase" Dior looked at me pleading me to "why did he do something to I swear if he did anything to I will kill him" I was getting angry "no he didn't do anything like that he just always puts his arm around me and pulls me into him and I don't like him I like you so come down with me" I was happy she wanted me not him "but I don't like them why don't you stay with me up here and smoke a blunt?" I asked with a smile "because they will come looking for me and if I stay up here with you just in you bra and underwear any longer I may not be able to hold myself back" that's when I realized I was pretty much naked "ugh fine I'll come with you but you owe me" she smirked at me "anything you want daddy." She grabbed my arm once I was dressed and pulled me down stairs and onto the opposite couch as the others we were on the love seat.

Chase stared at her before I kinda pulled her closer to me and he looked away. We were just chilling watching a movie may or may not have smoked a blunt or two. I wasn't as high as I usually am cause I've been smoking for a long time I got used to it. The others were on cloud nine they wouldn't even notice if the house was on fire so I took that as my chance to pull Dior with me upstairs. I was tired and wanted a nap but I wanted to cuddle with her so that's what we did kissed a little and then fell asleep in my bed Dior in my arms nothing could be better than this.

We only slept for about 30 minutes before going back downstairs for food I swear Dior could eat a while grocery store. "How can that little body consume all that food? You have literally not one ounce of fat on you." I leaned in close to whisper the rest "besides that fat ass and those plump boobs you got baby girl." Her face was priceless quickly glancing around to make sure no one was watching I grabbed her ass and played with her boobs.

One thing she told I do a lot is stare at her chest and when she wears those low-cut shirts I practically drool. I mean I can't help it but it also does suck cause when we're not alone and I'm just staring I tune out every one around me. And that's when people wonder why I'm always out of it. I try and tell her not wear them cause she's mine and I don't want other people seeing what's mine and mine only.

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