Chapter 5

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Third person POV

The trio had been on the road for about an hour in silence. Stefan was in the backseat brooding, Klaus was driving and taking small glances at Emma every few minutes and Emma was sitting curled up in the front seat reading a book.

"Tell me about yourself Emma." Klaus says out of the blue which took Emma by surprise.
"Tell me about yourself love." Klaus repeats.

"Um well I'm 17 I like to read and draw I don't know. I'm a werecoyote which is kind of cool but I haven't met anyone else who is which is kind of sad that I don't have anyone but it's fine I'm also glad I didn't have to kill anybody for it. I wouldn't have the guts to do that."

"Why not?" Klaus is curious.
"I mean I understand for some reason you know that it isn't a great thing for humans and such to kill others and without reason but do you really not have the guts to kill anyone?"

"Yeah well..before my mum died when I was young she was just the kindest women you will ever meet. She never took anything for granted and she was always polite no matter what. She used to sing to me at night and every night before I went to bed she would sit down next to me and she would say.. "Have courage and be kind always because at the end of every single day you can be at peace knowing that your intentions were pure and you can change the world."

"That's really nice Em." Stefan comments from the backseat.

Emma turns to him with a smile on her face, "Thanks Stef."

"That was lovely." Klaus smiles to her as she looks back to him with a smile on her face.

"Do you want to play a game?" Klaus asks Emma a few minutes later.
"What game?"

"Well love we can get to know each other better you know go back and forth with a question." Klaus explains.
"Okay I'll start." Emma agrees and starts the game.

( Emma in normal, Klaus is italics.)

"Favourite colour?"
"Favourite Author?"
"Raymond Chandler."
"Good one."
"Ok I've got one when did you loose you know." Klaus gives her a pointed look.
"Excuse me mister that is very inappropriate and not a nice question!" Emma exclaims as her face flushes a deep red.
"And not that it is any of your business but I haven't."
"Really?" Klaus gives her a surprised look.
"Yeah well I mean do you believe in soulmates?"
"No. I think that is just a little girl who believes in fairytales."
"Yeah I mean do you believe in souls mates love?"
"Well kind of I mean I don't necessarily dream about a soulmate or something but I do believe there is someone out there for everyone."

After that it went back to how it was Emma reading, Stefan brooding and Klaus driving.

After a few more hours they ended up in Tennessee as they piled out of the car.

"Emma come with me and Stefan just wait here." Klaus states as he grabs Emma's hand and takes her up the hill.
Emma's POV

I heard a women shouting from up the hill. "Rudy!" She kept yelling. "Rudy come on its too hot for me to come looking for you."

I could agree with her it was really hot. Before I knew it Klaus had his hand wrapped around mine and we zoomed up to the top of the hill.

Even though I have werecoyote speed I still let out a little yelp since vampires are faster.

"I'm so sorry we didn't mean to scare you." Klaus apologises in a fake American accent. My eyebrows scrunch after hearing it since it's obvious he suits his British accent way more.

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