9| A kiss

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A kiss

"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips"

"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips"

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| Bonnie |

So far I think I was doing alright
We'd been walking along the canal for an hour now, coming closer and closer to Charlie's yard as Adriana told me about her time in Australia.

She'd told me how she had it rough growing up, I noticed she never went into too much detail
From what I could tell, I think she'd had trouble with the parish as a child
She seemed to have really bad opinions over the nuns that worked there and any talk of religion whatsoever.

I also gathered that the only family she really liked living with was the couple in Australia, but they had died years ago.

"-And we'd go to the beach at the weekends, the dog would always go flying into the sea, dragging me along with him" she laughed
I smiled at her, a genuine smile
I had no idea how you're supposed to act around girls but she made it so easy to talk to her, I wanted to know everything about her
"So what about the 'Hamiltons'" I asked, putting on a posh voice
Her smile slightly dropped, she'd mentioned them briefly but for the most part just skipped over them

"Oh... they uh- they were fine I guess" she shrugged
I gave her a look and she sighed, stopped walking and looked out over the canal
"They were.... different" she stated quietly, when I didn't say anything she looked at me and then made her way to the little bench overlooking the water.

I sat down next to her and again, I said nothing, just waited for her to tell me whatever was on her mind
"They... they were just from a different background I suppose" she shrugged again
"What do you mean?" I asked softly
"Well they were rich and fancy and... and they had high standards"
She looked at me, my brows were furrowed as I was confused

"They'd want me to be like them... ya know, proper and polite... not to mention their daughter hated me" she looked out onto the water
"But it just wasn't me... I wanted to be free... travelling gave me that freedom" she smiled as she recalled her time travelling
"Do you miss it?... moving around" I asked her, hands sweaty as she turned to look at me

"More than anything" she sighed
"I'd give anything to be on the road again... the fields, the people, the openness of it all"
I couldn't help but sympathise with her, I'd been stuck in the woods with the guys for a few days and I was already missing travelling... and I was still in a caravan... it must be hard for her, I doubt the blinders let her go anywhere, especially her mum.

"Do you miss it?" She asked softly, her face coming closer to mine, I coughed slightly and looked away from her alluring eyes
"Well I'm still in a camp so it's not too bad... just sucks knowing we won't be going anywhere for a while" I said
She hummed in response

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