31| A ring

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A ring

"You have me. Until every last sky in the galaxy dies. You have me"       -Amie Kaufman

 You have me"       -Amie Kaufman

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| Adriana |

"What?" I asked Bonnie, he's been staring at me the entire time we've been eating by the fire
"Nothing, you're just pretty" he smiled, making me smile back
"Mushy" I mumbled, nudging him with my shoulder teasingly.

"Fine... you're ugly" he teased, I gasped in fake horror
"Bonnie Gold, don't you dare call your girlfriend ugly" I scolded, watching him laugh
"Fine, laugh at me. Watch you even still have a girlfriend after that" I said angrily, waiting for him to cave.

"Come on baby I didn't mean it" he chuckled
"Mhm" I said, getting up and walking back to the vardo
"Baby?... princess? I didn't mean it" he said panicked, chasing after me, grabbing me by the steps as I smiled at him, I couldn't hold it in any longer. He was too cute.

He groaned at my teasing, abandoning me at the steps to go into the van
"Ah, poor baby" I cooed as I followed him in, collapsing on the bed beside him as we lay there silently.

"So... what's our plan?" Bonnie asked after a while, I turned my head to the side to look at him, entwining my hand with his as I thought
We'd only been here a day, but the Keans were safe, they wouldn't let anyone harm us.

"I'm not sure, I think we should stay for a few days at least, think of our next move" I thought out loud
He nodded, smiling at me again
"What?" I asked
"What?" He echoed
"You keep staring at me and smiling" I explained, feeling self conscious as I felt the heat creep up my cheeks.

He heaved himself up, hovering over me as his hands found my waist
"Why can't I stare at my girl? Hm?" He said possessively, winding his arms under my body to pull me closer
"You can... I just- I dunno you seem different" I mused, looking up at him.

"How was your little catch up with Lyla?" He asked, clearly trying to distract me from my questioning
"It was good, she looks so different after all these years"
And she did, she had grown up, all I remember was an unruly girl who barely ever brushed her hair and would rather steal horses and candy than do what normal girls our age did.

"Mm" he hummed, beginning to kiss my neck

"How did you get on with Carlisle and Wilder?" I asked after a moment, he groaned
"Why would you bring them up?" He whined, clearly I was ruining the mood
"Sorry, I just want you to like them, they were my family for so long" I explained, he sighed.

"Yeah, I know, I just... Widler's a bit... much" he mumbled
I stopped. And stared at him, before I burst out laughing
"What?" He asked, his brows furrowed
"Are you jealous?" I asked
"No" he said immediately.

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