28| Murderer

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"I'm not going anywhere, the only time I'll let go of your hand is to grab your ass"

"I'm not going anywhere, the only time I'll let go of your hand is to grab your ass"                                                    -JmStorm

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| Bonnie |

"What's happening?" I asked frustrated
"Calm down Bon... freaking out isn't gonna help her is it?" Alda asked, holding me by the arms.

I was pushed out of Ari's room as quickly as I had gotten in
"It's been ages" Isaiah grumbled from his seat, looking worried
He was right. It had been fucking ages of the doctors rushing in and out and telling us to stay put.

"What's happened? Where's my daughter?" Polly shouted, bursting through the hospital doors, Tommy was trailing behind her and then... Arthur?

"What the fuck?" Nala said shocked
"Arthur?" Finn breathed, seemingly as stunned as everyone else
"Where's my fucking daughter?" Polly screamed again, heading for the doors only to be held back by dad
"That's not a good idea Polly" he said
"Why not?" She shouted, taking a defensive stance.

"Tommy what the fuck?" Finn asked stunned

"Pol... she freaked out when she woke up. She tried taking all the tubes out" Nala explained as she stood up, moving across the waiting room to comfort Polly.
"She hit me in the face when I tried to settle her down" Isaiah added, turning his cheek slightly to show the growing bruise she'd landed on him.

"She didn't know who I was" I said, my voice barely above a whisper, my body slacked as I felt defeated.
The room fell into silence once again.

"Tommy what the hell is going on?" Finn asked, a pissed off expression on his face as his eyes were glued to Arthur.
Which did beg the question... how the fuck was he alive?
Tommy didn't answer, silence folding over the room.

That was until the doors opened, revealing the doctor who had pushed me out beforehand
"What's happened?"
"Is she okay?"
"Can we see her?"
Everyone was talking over each other.

"Alright alright... look, she's stable now, we sedated her but she's very panicked. Confused. It's natural to feel scared in this type of situation. But as far as we know, she's fine" he said calmly
"Fine... she doesn't remember me!" I shouted angrily
"She lashed out... you can't say she's fine when she's fucking hitting people" Finn said annoyed, clearly directing his new found anger at the doctor.

"Calm down, if you're all shouting, you'll only set her off again and we don't want that now do we?" He asked simply
I took a few breathes, trying to calm my anger
"Her mental state is a bit hazy, she's fragile but that's natural due to the lack of rest and the loss of blood, she's just confused" he explained.

My head snapped up at him again
"So why did she ask me who I was?" I asked impatiently
"It's just the medicine, the unconscious state, everything will factor into it. But once she's calmed down she'll be fine" he said reassuringly.

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