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"I love you at your darkest"
                                           -Romans 5:8

"I love you at your darkest"                                            -Romans 5:8

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| Adriana |

Hours past as I sat here, watching Bonnie do push ups.
The other boys had slowly dwindled out. Maine had told Bonnie to go home, but he was adamant to train more.

Maine eventually took to his office, telling us we had till twelve, and then he was leaving and locking up.
I sighed, my legs tingling as I bounced the pins and needles out of them

My hair had been shoved up an hour into watching Bonnie, too in the way as I tried to concentrate on his fighting.
"Bon... how much longer?" I asked exhausted, he was now hitting the punching bag, sweat dripping off his face.

He stopped and looked at me, a smile gracing his features.
Bonnie's smile was like the sun rising and falling in a day, it lit up the room but also settled you in a way I couldn't explain, he was an indescribable enigma. Beautiful... yet deadly.

"You tired?" He teased, making me smile back at him.
I loved being around Bonnie anyway, but when the adrenaline was running through him, he was bolder, took control more. And I loved it.

All my life all I ever did was take care of myself.
Even when I found my real family, I never let them boss me around.
I was my own person, strong willed with a fire in my heart that could burn a person to the ground if I was determined enough.

It was nice to have someone take control of me and me actually enjoy it for once.

I loved the thought of Bonnie taking care of me, looking at me like he could see all the dark broken parts of me and was willing to glue them all back together.

I had so many mental and physical scars, but when I look into his crystal blue eyes I want to tell him, show him, lay myself bare before him and pray he'll still want me.

I hummed in response to his question and he chuckled, strolling over to me and holding his hands out
"Would you do me the honour?" He asked in a posh voice.

I chuckled and began to take his gloves off, untying the strings at the ends and pulling them off.
"You keep this up and Solomons' boy won't know what hit him" I joked
"I'm glad you have so much faith in me" he countered.

"Why wouldn't I?" I laughed, standing up and stretching, my body aching after sitting still for so long.
He shrugged
"Thought maybe I could get another bet out of you" he joked, circling his arms around my waist.

"Oh yeah?... what would you have made me do this time?" I asked teasingly
The boy had already gotten a kiss out of me.

"Lets just say it's more... physical... than a kiss" he grinned, his mouth against my ear as he whispered those words
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, my body going stiff as my brain was practically overrunning with inappropriate thoughts of me and Bonnie.

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