32| Shotgun wedding

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Shotgun wedding

"She wore her hopes like a crown, an outspoken soliloquy of dreams"                      -Ariana

"She wore her hopes like a crown, an outspoken soliloquy of dreams"                            -Ariana

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| Adriana |

"I can't believe we're gonna get married" I thought out loud, my head resting against Bonnie's chest as we laid in bed
"I know" he smiled, stroking my hair
"And Carlisle's fine with us having it here?" I asked, he nodded, flipping us over so he was hovering above me.

"Yeah, he's sent for some woman down in Wales, she'll marry us" he explained, I smiled
I was going to be married, Bonnie would be my husband.
It felt... strange. A good strange
But we were still so young, it felt weird becoming someone's wife.

"She should be here by the afternoon, you've just got to find a dress and we're golden baby" he mumbled against my skin
I weaved my hands into his hair, revelling in his kisses
I know you're not supposed to see each other before the wedding.

But we had all the bad luck we could possibly get in our situation, so we were cutting it a bit fine for time apart
"Yeah, Lyla said she'd have a look around" I said, I didn't mind what I wore.
"Mm... I can't wait for our wedding night" he teased.

"Oh? Is that all?" I asked, feigning sadness
"What?" He mumbled
"Is that it? You're just looking forward to the sex?" I asked, his head shot up and he shook it vigorously
"Course not" he said, his cheeks tinting red from embarrassment as I smirked.

"I found these" Lyla said, dumping an armful of dresses on the bed before sitting down next to Widler
I started musing through them, trying to find one near to my size that I could adjust here and there
"Are you certain about this?" Wilder asked.

I chuckled at his words
"Of course I am" I said
"It's just, you're so young, are you sure Bonnie's it?" He asked
"Bonnie's my everything, don't worry I won't regret it" I chuckled, he frowned, but said nothing else.

"This one" I said, holding one up, I just had to do a little here and there and it would look beautiful... perfect. For our day
Speaking of which, we were planning for it to be tomorrow, in the evening so it would look nice
I needed every ounce of 'nice' I could get seeing as we weren't having it at home.

And we didn't have our family and friends around us.

| Polly |

"Drive faster" I said sternly, Finn nodded, driving faster down the country roads
There's bound to be word of them somewhere, we just have to keep going.

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