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A lot can happen in 15 minutes.....

June 2015

"Jade Amelia Holland..." I can hear my mom, dad, sister, Jason, Aunt, cousins and Uncle cheering loudly as I walk across the stage to collect my diploma.

"Don't forget your grandma is taking you out for breakfast tomorrow morning." My mom says as she takes my cap and gown.

"I know. I'll be back by curfew." I say before hugging her.

"I'm proud of you, baby."

"Mom, it's just high school, save the tears for college or my wedding." I smile and kiss her cheek before walking over to Taylor's car.

A lot can happen in 15 minutes. 15 minutes, that's how long the drive was. But, it took less than 15 seconds for a driver to swerve into our lane. Taylor's car hit an embankment; his car was totaled, all I can feel is the crushing pain of my right knee caught between the dash board and the door frame. And my hip is on fire.

Movies and TV romanticize car accidents, police officers, EMTs and at least one firefighter who's new to the job show up at the same-time and it's always raining. There was no rain, just the sound of a car-horn and the wind rustling the palm trees on Ocean Dr.; my head feels like it's under 6ft of water, I can barely hear Taylor's muffled words. I can feel his guitar callused hand around my wrist. It was 45 minutes before I saw the flashing lights of the EMS truck or heard the ambulance. It was an hour and 15 minutes before my parents were notified of the accident, told I was in "stable condition" and had to have "emergency knee surgery". Great I'm newly 18 and just had a knee replacement, awesome!

I know what you're going to say, I've already steeled myself for the punishment. But I wasn't drinking, the surgeons and police officers can attest to that. I should have come home at curfew. I can hear my mom outside the door talking to the doctor about the "successful knee and hip surgery" and "the 3 broken ribs should heal in about 6 weeks." Explains my shortness of breath.

The door opens and I sit up a little smoothing my hair a bit in the process. My mom pokes her head in, she doesn't look angry, okay that's good, right? "I just talked to Dr. Brown...." She says setting her purse down and leans against my bed.

I can't muster up the energy to speak, my head feels like it's deeper under water; my head is starting to pound as my mom speaks to me, her eyebrows furrow every now and then. "I'm not angry at you, I'm just happy you're still alive" is all I hear as she dabs the tears out of her eyes.

December 2018

"Babe, I'm taking a break from studying. Do you want something to eat?" Taylor says shutting his laptop and shoving into his backpack. We've been holed up in the library for what seems like 8 years.

"I'm good, thanks." I say peering over my notes and back at my laptop. "This paper is due at midnight and I haven't even completed my first paragraph."

"You sure?" He asks rubbing my back. I just nod "Okay, I'll call you later." He says leaning down to peck my lips. "Love you."

"Love you too." I say returning the kiss and look back at the blinking cursor on my screen and run my hand through my hair. My phone buzzes loudly against the table causing other students to look at me in disgust, while some feel the need to "shush" me. Ugh. I glance at my phone and see that Daphne has sent me a '9-1-1'text. I shut my laptop without saving my work; and rush out of the library trying to call my sister in the process.

She picks up after 2 rings, "Mom's been taken to the hospital. Meet me at CHRISTUS Hospital on Shoreline." She rushes out and hangs up. This cannot be happening, right now.

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