Chapter 16: Marks on your Thighs

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**A/N: I realize 3 days into Billie's tour life as we all know it came to a screeching halt. However, in this book we don't know Miss Coronavirus, sorry. I wish we really didn't know she existed...

Also, I'm picking up this Chapter at Hangout Music Festival in Gulf Shores, AL May 15th-17th 2020, so she's had a little break.**


"Can someone turn my vocals up? I can't hear myself!" Billie is laying on the middle of the stage, the backtrack to 'When I Was Older' stops as she adjusts her in ears and sits up flipping her hair. I push my sunglasses back up my nose and rest my palm on my chin as I lean against the barricade and continue to watch Billie's rehearsal. "Jade how does it does it sound from there?" She asks wiping her forehead with a black towel.

"It sounds good!" I give her a thumbs up taking a sip of water.

She nods with a yawn. "Yo, can we wrap this? I'm tired as fuck." She throws her head back as she draws out the "U". "And I still can't hear myself!"

I make my way up to the stage and over to Billie with a new pack and set of in ears. "Come here." I say lifting the back of her shirt.

"Well hello there." She flirts leaning back against my chest, as I change out her pack.

"Hi." I hum in her ear pushing my shades onto my head as I clip her pack onto her basketball shorts and get a glimpse of a lacey blue thong. Okay. "Cute panties" I whisper, I can tell by the tips of her ears she's blushing. I get her new in ears situated. "You should be able to hear yourself now." I wink and walk over to Laura and Danny.

"Has anyone seen Miss Baker?" Danny asks looking around. I honestly haven't seen her since we left the hotel this morning.

"I saw her this morning at breakfast."

"If and when you see her, tell her to meet me in the lobby. She and I need to have a discussion"

"Yes sir."

Thank god this hotel has an indoor pool and we've been allowed after-hours access. I feel like this is the first time since 9AM I've had anytime to myself. I rest my arms on the side of the pool my head resting on my arms, allowing my body to just float in my relaxed state I don't hear the door open and close or the sound of the water. All I feel are her arms around my hips as she places a gentle kiss on my shoulder blade.

"Hi again." I mumble into my arms.

"Hi baby." She hums against my shoulder blade as her fingers run between my hip bone and bathing suit bottoms.

"How did the rest of rehearsal go?" I press myself against her hips. Honestly its been a few weeks since we've had sex. It's not for lack of trying on her part or my part. Things just got in the way. Periods and we both got snippy with one another, Danny was on my ass about one thing or another and that just put a damper on everything, due to that stress I got a UTI, totally sexy right?

I hear her let out a light groan in my ear. "G-good." She turns me to face her.

I trace my index finger from the center of her collar bone down her chest slowly, "Yeah?" I brush my lips against hers, this time I don't wait for her to take the lead, I kiss her fully on the mouth pushing my tongue against hers. A low moan escapes from the back of her throat causing small vibrations through the kiss and her hand slides into my bathing suit. As much as I want her, I don't want to get kicked out of this pool because we got caught fucking. My hips involuntarily rock knowing how close her fingers are as our kiss becomes sloppier; I put my hand on her chest pushing her away. "Meet me in my room in 10 minutes."

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