Chapter 32: Trippin' in the Bathroom

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Playing out Billie's Hustlers fantasy was not as easy as I thought it would be, then again Jennifer Lopez had months of training and the closest I've come to dancing on a pole is dancing on top of a bar during my 21st birthday shenanigans; sorry mom. But she had no complaints, when my hips rolled slowly against hers, or when my boobs were right in her face, per her request. Inevitably, those events led to sex, both on the floor and in the bed, then again in the shower, something we'd never tried before...and won't be doing again.

"Is your ass okay?" Billie asks roughly pulling a brush through her hair, looking at me in the mirror.

"Yeah." I mumble pulling a comb through my hair. I know I'm going to have a large bruise on my ass in the morning, and even larger bruised ego, from the earlier said sexual escapades, or sexcapades if you will.

"I'm sorry baby."

"Why? You didn't drop me. I slipped." I say setting down my comb.

"I feel bad though." She says with a dimpled grin, that says 'at least it wasn't me'.

"I'm going to check on Chase one more time, then I'm going to bed. I've had enough embarrassment for one night." And it's true, if I suffer one more blow to my already bruised ego and ass I'm going to cry.

"Baby..." I hear her say as I walk out of the bathroom and into Chase's nursery quietly to check on him. He's still sleeping, his little baby butt in the air. I adjust the volume on the white noise machine and dim the lamp in his room and shut the door quietly, so I don't wake him. It took me over 2 hours to get him down, I'm not about to poke that tiny bear again.

"Is he still asleep?" Billie asks mid-yawn as I walk back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me as I turn the light out, she's laying on her back with her hands behind her head, she looks half asleep.

"Yeah, he is." I say, taking a sip out of the water bottle we've both been drinking out of and turning the monitor to face the bed.

"Come here." She pats the empty space next to her.

"You're joking..."

"Just get your fine ass over here so I can cuddle you, damn."

"Sheeesh, fine." I say, turning the lamp next to the bed off and climb into the bed next to her as she pulls me practically on top of her wrapping the blanket around us.

"I love you." She hums, running her fingers through my hair, almost like saying it is second nature.

"I love you." I mumble into her chest, as she plants a soft kiss on top of my head.

The spot where Billie was sleeping is now empty, the bedroom door is wide open, and I can hear Billie singing as Chase babbles loudly along to her voice. "I hope she's not singing something inappropriate" I mutter as I push myself off the bed and walk out of the bedroom, to find Billie holding Chase on her hip while she sings 'my strange addiction' and dances around the island gently bouncing him. It's honestly a sight that both makes my heart flutter and break simultaneously; I wish Daphne could see this, I wish my mom could see this, I wish I could tell both of them how wonderful this girl is and I seem to fall more in love with her every-day. I smile to myself and snap a quick picture, before walking into the kitchen.

"Did you even ask him if he's a fan of your music?"

"Wha?" She jumps a little out of breath, from dancing and holding a 23-pound baby in her arms. I can't help but laugh a little. "Oh, sorry I heard him fussing and you looked so cute, I didn't want you to have to wake up."

"It's okay." I say leaning on the island. "How long have y'all been awake?"

"Maybe, like 20 minutes, I even changed his diaper." She smiles proudly.

"Looks like you've got things handled." I say winking at her, as I pretend to walk away.

"Nah, nah." She says shaking her head. "I don't know how to make that beige shit you feed him."

"It's literally cereal, bananas and a little peanut butter mixed with some of Daph's frozen breast milk." I say walking over to the coffee maker as I press the brew button and open the freezer door to pull out one of the bags of frozen milk.

"Gross." I hear her say. "But you like it." I'm assuming she's talking to Chase, as she goes back to humming.

"How's your ass feeling?" Billie asks sitting across from me on the living room floor as we sort through a mixture of her and my clean laundry. While Chase crawls around, picking up random articles of clothing.

"It's got a fat bruise on it, why?" I say tossing a pair of socks to her. It's not nearly as big as the one my ego has taken, but it's still sizeble nonetheless.

"Just checking." She smirks catching the pair of socks as she holds up a bra. "Is this mine or yours?"

"Uh... mine maybe?" I say looking at the black lace bra.

"You sure?"

"Honestly? No."

"Huh." She hums, looking at the bra again, then tosses it into the basket of unsure whose is whose items which mostly contains bras and mismatched baby socks, then goes back to picking through her t-shirts as Chase crawls over her leg to grab the socks she's carefully matched up.

"Looks like you have a helper."

"An unqualified..." She pauses like she's unsure if that's a word, then looks at Chase as he tries to chew on her leg. "Helper. OW!"


"He bit me."

I try to stifle a laugh, before reaching over to grab Chase and see a little red spot on Billie's shin. "He didn't draw blood, and he doesn't have rabies. You're safe." I say rubbing her shin lightly before looking at Chase. "We don't bite, ok baby shark?"

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