Chapter 19: The Very Bad Fight

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**A/N: This chapter contains sensitive subject matter regarding the topic of abortion and miscarriage. **


"Turn my vocals up please! I can't hear myself!" Why is this always a fucking issue in rehearsal? I take out my in-ears letting them hang over my shoulders.

"Is it the battery again?" Jade asks walking over to me holding a new pack and set of in-ears.

"I don't fucking know." I snap at her.

"I'm just doing my job, Billie." She snaps back. Clearly, we aren't on good terms.

"I didn't ask you to bring me a new pack or in-ears. Jesus Christ."

"Then maybe you should figure it out yourself, brat." She says shoving the pack into my chest.

Maybe I should rewind and explain why we're at this place....

Jade's been at Fin and Claudia's since Monday because her building is being fumigated for termites. Sucks for Fin because he's way outnumbered, it's way better for me because now I have an actual excuse to go to his house besides going to see Peaches. Plus, they have a pool and any reason to see Jade's fine ass in a bikini, yes please. She's got this one blue bikini that shows like half her ass and damn.

"So, we leave for Mexico on Friday so Billie you'll have 2 days to rehearse." Danny says looking at everyone. "Any questions?"

Everyone shakes their heads 'No'

"Also, guys, please remember your passports. We don't want a repeat of Vancouver." Laura says giving Sophie a pointed look.

"Sorry..." Sophie mumbles. How is she still here?!

"Alright guys, you've got the next two days off. Enjoy it." Danny says dismissing us from the meeting.

"Billie, can I talk to you for a second?" Sophie asks standing up, causing Jade to raise her eyebrow as she leaves the conference room.

"I told Fin I'd meet him at the house..."

"I helped you figure out your sexuality... you at least owe me." Damn, she's gotta point.

"Okay." I sit back down as Sophie sits next to me.

"I know you and Jade have a thing. I'm not going to tell, don't worry. I mean you and I had a thing. But how well do you know Jade?"

"The fuck?"

"Look" She sighs, "I've gotten to know her ex, pretty well and she's not this perfect person you think she is."

I sit back in my chair and cross my arms. "Okay..,?"

"According to him they were still together when she moved out here."

"I don't buy that, Soph."

"Why do I have a reason to lie to you, Billie? I literally don't. The reason she went home at Christmas was to both break up with him and to have an abortion, from what he told me she just used her mom dying as an excuse to be in an open relationship and he didn't want that, but because he wanted respect her, he gave her what she wanted." She rests her hand on my arm.

"She told he dumped her right after her mom died..."

"Again, why would I lie to you Bils? And why would she be so short with you at Christmas? Instead of just telling you the real reason? Seems kind of suspect. I know you're in love with her or whatever but maybe you should re-evaluate that."

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