Chapter 11: Make it Rain

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"We have the iHeartRadio Alter Ego Performance on Saturday. Sophie, you'll be attending that with Billie." Danny says glancing at his phone then at his laptop.

"Why aren't they both attending?" Laura asks clearly not having any of Danny's bullshit today.

"Because that's what was decided, they'll both attend The Grammy's with Billie." Danny says trying to compromise with Laura. "We'll have Sophie help you with media and photographers, and then Jade will help with making sure her performance outfit gets to the greenroom prior, along with Finneas' performance outfit. Jade you'll also help Chelsea with Billie's post-Grammy party set up." I nod as I type 'You're a fucking asshole' over and over on my open word document. Not like he can see what I'm typing, he's under the assumption I'm taking notes. Jokes on him. I glance at my watch; this meeting is lasting a lot longer than I'd anticipated. I get it, Billie is a busy girl.

Three hours later we're being dismissed from the small conference room, "Jade, can we speak with you for a moment?" Danny asks.

"Of course." I've dotted my "I's and crossed every single "t" around this man, done everything he's told me, and have not a single "outburst". What and I cannot emphasize this enough could he possibly want.

"Please make sure you're at the Staples Center by 1pm Sunday for the Grammy's." Seriously? You couldn't have just shot me a text the Friday before?

"Will do."


The ironic, is that right word? Ironic thing no one tells you about winning awards is that people think you're undeserving of the award. After the Grammy's people, and by people I mean music critics thought or think I was or am, whatever undeserving of the awards. I don't even think I deserve them. It's a pleasant surprise, I guess.

What hasn't been so pleasant? I haven't had a moment alone with Jade in hot minute, and a bitch has needs. Danny has made sure of that. When she's not sitting in meetings with him and Laura, she's doing something for him like she's his personal assistant. I've text her a few times and she's always quick to respond with a witty or sexy text that makes me smile. But I miss feeling her warm, soft skin under me, I miss those rosy lips, the way she touches me, and don't get me started on that pretty moan of hers.

My Oscar performance was terrible, was it an honor to be there? Fuck yes. Did I suck? Yes. But what can you do? Everyone else thought it was great. I thought it was terrible.


Fin is tapping his pen on the table, is he trying to get on my nerves? Why is Sophie making those eyes at me? Does Jade always wear dresses to the office?

"We're busy the rest of this month, 'No Time To Die' is set to release on Wednesday, we'll be back in London for the Brits, then tour rehearsals start. Jade you'll be going to London with us..."

"I thought I was going...?" Sophie interrupts Danny.

"Why would you assume that Miss Baker?"

"I've been to all the events.... Jade didn't even stay for The Academy Awards parties." Sophie is just digging herself a hole.

"And she was under no obligation to attend the parties. She was there on time, went above and beyond what was expected of her and from what I understand showed up with Billie's Alter-Ego performance outfit when you refused?" Yeah, she also made me cum twice on the couch after that too. I still owe her for that.

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