Chapter 4: December

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"I'm so sorry for your loss." That's all everyone says as they rest their hand on my shoulder, dabbing their eyes. I can't look at her casket. My sister is pressed against Jason clasping his hand as Jason talks to various friends of my mother's.

"Jade...." Taylor says sitting next to me. "I'm really sor-"

My eyes fly open in a panic, I sit up slowly. It's 3:30am, I sink back into my pillow. "Fuck." I mutter while throwing my arm over my eyes, I can feel the hot tears start to fall down the sides of my eyes. I push myself off my bed and walk into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, like the cold water is going to wash the bad dream away.

I curl up on the couch and compose a text to my sister:

Me: I know it' super early and you don't have to respond. I had a dream about mom's funeral again.

Daph: I have a 4-month old child I'm awake. I'm sorry you had that dream again. Do you want to talk about it?
Read 4:08AM

Me: Maybe later? I'll call you this afternoon. Love you.

Daph: Love you too.
Read 4:10AM

I sigh knowing she's not going to let it go. My phone buzzes, without looking I answer. "Hey sis."

"Talk to me." Daphne says softly.

"I don't know why I keep having this stupid dream." I sigh trying to rationalize it in my head. "I just...." it hits me. I truly miss my mom. Not having her here to talk to, it's heartbreaking.

"I know sis." She hums softly. And I know she can sympathize with how I'm feeling.

The rest of the week is a combination of a blur and hell; it's Friday, Sara and Jordan finally have us have us all in the large conference room, I look over at Sophie whose tapping her pen slowly again the mahogany table. This meeting has been a long, long time coming. In the last week 5 interns have quit.

Jordan clears his throat and stands up. "Thanks for your patience these last few weeks guys. It's been hectic, we know." He says looking over his scattered notes. "We've got several artists coming in to record, work on and finalize tour plans and begin the writing process." He adjusts his glasses. "That being said, we're going to be breaking you up into groups to help with the process. I apologize if you get stuck with a demanding artist or producer," he says with a slight chuckle. "It's just how they are guys."

Sara stands next to him holding a folder. "Please don't ask to switch with a friend. We've assigned you to each project according to how you've conducted yourselves in the studio, in meetings, etc." Sara says handing each of us a large manila envelope.

I look over at Sophie with a raised eyebrow. She shrugs.

"Are we expected to tour with the artists?" Bryan asks

Jordan looks over at Sara. "That'll remain to be seen." He says.

Sara hands me my envelope with a sympathetic smile. Great, fucking great. I know what that means; I'm stuck sorting mail and taking notes at meetings.

"Who are you stuck with?" Sophie says sitting on my desk, tossing her envelope on my desk.

"I haven't looked yet. Why? Who'd you get?" I ask over my glasses.

"My envelope was blank. Yours?"

"Same. They're probably firing me." I say, taking my hair out of the ponytail its been in. "Or I'm stuck sorting shitty mail."

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