Chapter 34: Swear that I'm yours

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I've been sitting in the legal office of Jeff O'Neill for a solid 2 hours as he and his legal partner look over the petition, I can now say with full confidence I feel like I'm going to lose my nephew; also as my luck or un-luck, I guess? would have it Billie dropped it on me this morning Danny is pressuring her resume tour. And it's not even Monday, I have so many questions I want to ask, so many things I want to say, but I bite my tongue and let the lawyers talk amongst themselves until Jeff turns to me and clears his throat.

"Well, Miss Holland, from what Lydia has sent to our office you're not putting Chase in any type of danger, nor are you abusing him. You're keeping up with his scheduled pediatrician appointments, you're following her recommendation of seeing a counselor twice a week." He says thumbing through the petition again. "But they're also contesting the validity of the estate."

"So, why are they doing this?"

"It could be they're trying to gain control over their son's estate. There's honestly no telling. We'll speak to Mr. and Mrs. Williams lawyers about the petition, and if this can be settled out of court that's the route we'll go."

"Okay." I'm still not totally convinced I won't lose Chase. Who's to say these people won't pull some false accusation against me? Or say that my sexuality is a sin and I shouldn't be allowed around children...I mean not to shade my state, but we aren't exactly progressive in LGBTQ movement especially where adopting a child is concerned, not to mention I'm still "single" for all intense and purposes and young, two, no, three things I have going against me.

"So, what did the lawyers have to say?" Aunt Sherri asks as I walk into the kitchen.

"That I'm doing a great job and they'll try settle this out of court..." I try to sound as optimistic as possible, but the very real seed of losing Chase has already been planted and is slowly starting to take root.

"That sounds a little promising?"

"Yeah, maybe... Where is everyone?"

"They're outside." She nods toward the sliding door where, Uncle Frank, Maggie, Patrick, Fin, Billie and Grey are all in pool gathered around Chase in his little inflatable tube. "She's a wonderful young lady." Aunt Sherri says leaning against the counter, nodding toward Billie, who's now adjusting her sunglasses she's put on Chase. "Your mom would approve; I know Daphne approved."

The thought of my mom's approval of my relationship with Billie makes me smile internally, "I'm worried Jason's parents will want to take Chase away because I'm in a relationship with a woman..." I sigh. "I know me being who I am never bothered Jason at all, but the way his parents worded it in the petition my 'lifestyle isn't conducive' to raising a child. They make it sound like..." I run my hands through my hair. "Like, I'm going to push my sexuality on my nephew?"

"Oh honey...."

"I don't even care if his parents want to take this stupid house or whatever money is in the bank...they can take that. Just why try to take Chase?" I wipe away tears I don't realize have fallen. "I feel like they're doing this to be vindictive."

"We won't let that happen... okay?" I feel my aunt wrap her arms around me protectively, "And I don't think Billie will let that happen either."

"You okay mama?" Billie asks walking over to me as she pushes Chase in his floatie over to me as well as I dip my feet into the pool.

"Eh, I guess.?" I shrug and push my sunglasses on top of my head and adjust the umbrella on Chase's floatie and put a little more sunscreen on his arms and face while he squirms at the sensation of the sunscreen being slathered on him.

"What'd the lawyers say?"

"Short story, I'm doing a great job, and if this whole thing can be settled out of court that's what they'll shoot for..." I sigh wiping the excess sunscreen onto Billie's shoulders.

"So, what else is bothering you?"

"Jason's parents are basically wanting not only Chase, but Daphne and Jason's estate..." I sigh looking at Chase who's patting Billie's hand as she holds his floatie. "I don't care if they want this house or the money... I'm doubting if this the right thing... like maybe I should just let them adopt Chase."

"That's not what your sister or her husband wanted baby."

"Maybe having them adopt Chase is the right thing?"

"Do you want Chase living with people he doesn't know?"

When the hell did she get to be so wise. "No."

"So how is it 'the right thing'?" she asks making quotation marks with hand one, "You love your nephew, right?"

"You know I do..."

"So, fight to keep him. Hell, if I gotta pay someone so you can keep him I will." I know she's joking but something behind her eyes tells me she'd actually do it if I asked her.

"Baby? Where are you?" I hear Billie's voice from down the hall.

"In here." I say from the floor of Daphne and Jason's room, as I sort through the box Officer Dela Cruz dropped off a month ago.

"What are you doing?" I hear her voice come up behind me.

"Just going through some stuff...." I sigh.

"What stuff?"

"Stuff from the accident." I set Daphne's purse beside me as Billie sits down across from me peering into the box.

"Is it weird? Seeing this stuff?"

"More painful than anything else..." I say dumping out the contents of a small plastic bag and pick up Daphne's engagement and wedding ring along with the peridot ring Jason gave her to commemorate Chase's birth.

"What are you going to do with their stuff?" Billie asks picking up Daphne's engagement ring.

"Maybe set that ring aside for Chase, so he can give it to his future wife... or husband... or whoever he chooses to love." I shrug picking up the peridot ring.

"You should take this room, ya know."

"I'd feel weird sleeping in their room..."

"Why? It's technically your house. It's better than sleeping in that guestroom. If you need help cleaning this room out, I can help you... It's a nice room." She says looking around. "Plus, Chase's nursery is right there, instead of down the hall."

"Yeah, but it'll be just me sleeping in here... you're going back on tour in a week."

"Says who?"

"I thought..? I thought you were going back on tour?"

"Danny and Laura think it'd be a good idea, but honestly? I'm enjoying my time here with you and baby shark, being all domestic and shit." She says with that dimpled smile I love.

"Domestic and shit?"

"Yeah... like when we go for walks with Chase in that park at night, or when we all went swimming today. I don't get to enjoy doing normal shit like that at home, or when I got to bake cookies for you last weekend."


"So, tour can be postponed until I'm ready to go back. Plus, maybe when I'm ready Chase can come with us."


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