Chapter 6: Away

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I hate Mondays. I still feel hung-over from Sophie's party Friday night, I didn't even call Daphne over the weekend. I hate this day, of all days. I've been sitting on my bed for the last 20 minutes, my phone in hand ready to call Sara. I'll offer to make up hours on a Saturday or something. I sigh and press Sara's office number.

"This is Sara." She says answering after the second ring.

"Hey Sara, its Jade, sorry to call on such short notice and on a Monday." I say as my voice quakes a bit.

"Hey Jade, I was about to send you and Sophie an email. I'm glad you called. Listen, Billie and Finneas are in London to finish a project. So, we're going to push the meeting back to Friday afternoon. Is that okay?" Is that ok? You're saving my ass.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say wiping my eyes, a wave of both sadness and relief hits me at the same time.

"Great." She pauses, "I'll send you an email with the meeting details, later this afternoon. Have a good Christmas, Jade. I'll see you Friday afternoon." She says swiftly and hangs up. I take a deep breath and swallow the hard lump in my throat; I dislike Mondays, but I hate this Monday of all Mondays the most. I push myself off the bed and make my way to the bathroom, turn the shower on as hot as my skin can stand, strip and let the steam from the shower engulf me; I don't know how long I was in the shower, but by the time I got out the hot water was barely warm, my skin pink and heat radiated off my limbs. Did I feel refreshed? No. Did I feel relaxed? Marginally. I walk into the kitchen to prepare my morning coffee when I hear my text tone go off. I sigh and roll my eyes. I'll get to it later; I really don't want to deal with anything or anyone. Like, AT ALL. I take a sip of my coffee and hear my text tone again. "Jesus Christ." I mumble walking back to my room holding my coffee in one hand and my towel with the other. I set my coffee down gently on my dresser careful not to spill any of the hot liquid on my hand and look at my phone. Two unread text messages:

Daph: Hey sis, just want to make sure you're ok. Especially today, call me later. Love you. Oh, do you have plans for Christmas? You shouldn't spend it alone in L.A.

(323)254-2598: hey its billie.

Great... So, that's it? No, could you pass my number along? Just a 'Hey its Billie.' Wow. I'll take care of both later. One sooner than later. I roll my eyes and set my phone back on my dresser to paw through my clothes.


I lean back on the couch in the studio listening to the musical arrangement and occasionally glance down at my phone. I sent Jade a text an hour ago, but honestly, I'm not even sure if she's read it yet, she doesn't have her 'read receipts' on; yeah she's that person. Plus, I don't even know what time it is in L.A. "Hey..." Laura says poking me in the arm, while holding her phone. "I just got an email from Sara."


"The meeting with Jade Holland and Sophie Baker is on Friday at 2." She says looking at me, "So we'll fly out Thursday morning." I cock my eyebrow at the mention of Jade and Sophie oh shit , I knew we were having an intern come on tour with me this summer but? "They're the interns going on tour with you, Bil." Laura says answering the question in my head as she sends Sara an email from her phone.

Ok, so maybe this summer will be more confusing than I thought, I nod and go back to looking at the orchestra, my phone buzzes under my thigh.

(361)573-4321: I'll pass your number along to Sophie. Have a good Christmas.

In my defense I've had Sophie's number, I got it from Claudia the day after the party and we've been talking. If I'm being honest though? She's been a nice, what's the word? Distraction? Nah, I mean it's been nice to have someone to talk to, when she's not talking about herself, and I have a feeling once I get back, she can teach me a thing or two.

(323)254-2598: thx. I type out wondering if I should type out more before sending the message. Nah, leave it alone, it took her like 8 years to respond. I send the text and set my phone back under my thigh. My phone buzzes almost immediately.

(361)573-4321: Yeah, no problem.

(323)254-2598: did i do something to piss u off?

Jade Holland: No, this is just a shitty time of year for me Billie and honestly, I don't really feel like discussing it via text message. Sorry. Have a Merry Christmas.

I roll my eyes and immediately my head jerks to the left several times signaling a tic-attack. I feel the couch dip next to me and Finneas' large hand rubs my back gently. "Let's call it, yeah?" He asks noticing my attack. I nod in agreement; I know the only reason he wants to leave is so he can stop by and see Claudia for a few minutes.


"You sure you don't want to try and fly home tomorrow?" Daphne asks.

"No.... I don't even know if I can get a flight out tomorrow that won't cost an arm and a leg. And I have to be back at work on Friday..." I say holding the phone between my ear and shoulder as I look over the email Sara sent me.

"Let me and Jason buy your ticket. Plus you need to see your nephew."

"I don't have any gifts..."

"So? I just want to see my sister."

I sigh deeply not wanting to argue with my sister, because a.) I know it's an argument I won't win and b.) I do want to get away from L.A for a few days. "Alright." I say, rolling my eyes as I continue to look over the email Sara sent and another email from Laura, who is apparently Billie's assistant, or at least one of them.

"Ok!" I can hear the smile on her face. "Let me look at flights and I'll email you your ticket. Go pack. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up and chew on my bottom lip for a moment. I haven't been home-home since my mom died; honestly, I don't know how I'm going to handle this or if I can handle it.

Last Christmas my sister, Jason and I sat at my sister's kitchen table in near silence. We didn't want to be happy or celebrate Christmas; so, we weren't, and we didn't. Now, I'm standing over a half-packed tote bag second guessing my decision to fly back to Corpus Christi. My home that no longer feels like home, that hasn't felt like home in months.

Maybe the few days away from L.A will give me time to think about the what I've signed up for, going on tour with someone I have palpable sexual tension with and someone I have a pop budding friendship with and those two obviously have something going on? Possibly? Maybe? Yeah, this tour won't be awkward.AT.ALL. Plus, if Billie was smart she wouldn't want to fall for someone like me, I have too much emotional baggage.

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