Chapter 29: Good things whisper, bad things Shout

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"So, you were working as an intern in Los Angeles when you got the call regarding your sister and brother-in-law, but came here?" The social worker, Lydia asks sitting across from me at the kitchen table.

"Yes ma'am." I say trying not to tap on my coffee cup, knowing the judgement I'm facing.

"And was it a paid internship?"


"Do you think you'll take Chase back to L.A with you?"

Truthfully, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I haven't even thought about what I'm going to fix everyone for dinner tonight. And I know her interest is making sure Chase is safe, well-cared for and happy. "I honestly haven't planned that far ahead yet." I know this looks bad.

"What is your plan for Chase? How will you provide for him?"

I sigh and look down at my half-full coffee cup, I wish I knew how to answer that, we can't live off inheritance money until he's 18, and I'm pretty sure my internship with Interscope is terminated. I look at the judgmental social worker, who's looking at me over the rim of her glasses, waiting for me to answer the weighted question. "Right now, my plan is to just make sure he's safe, loved, happy and cared-for. I don't have a 5- or 10-year plan for him or even for myself."

She nods and purses her lips, it's not what she wants to hear but it's the truth, "Miss Holland, taking care of child is a huge responsibility, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. But please, think carefully about Chase's future." She closes the leather-bound legal pad she's been taking notes in. "I'm technically not supposed to tell you when I'm stopping by, but I'll be by two weeks from today to check on you and Chase." She gives me a half-smile laced with sympathy as she stands up.

"Yes ma'am." I stand as well and walk her to the door.

"And Miss Holland if I were you, I'd hang on to that young lady." She says referring to Billie who's standing in the kitchen with Chase in her arms blowing raspberries in his neck.

"Thank you." I say letting her out.

"She seems like a asshole." Billie says from her place on the counter as Maggie hands her a bowl of pineapple and grapes.

"Don't say 'a asshole' it's 'an asshole'." Maggie corrects her.

"She just has Chase's best interest." I say putting a spoonful of oatmeal cereal into his awaiting mouth.

"But she can't judge you for being young and this responsibility like forced upon you." Billie says swallowing a mouthful of fruit.

"But she is and legally if she feels like I'm incapable of caring for him, the system can take him away..." I say looking at my nephew has he reaches for the bowl of cereal I'm holding.


"Foster system." Maggie says lowly.

"We won't let that happen honey." Aunt Sherri says kissing the top of my head.

"Hope not." I say handing the nearly empty bowl to Chase, he's already got cereal on his face and hands and watch as he pushes his face into the flimsy bowl and gets more cereal on his face. "Okay baby shark. How about we clean you up, huh?" I take the bowl from him and set it on the island.

"I'll get him honey. You get yourself something to eat." Aunt Sherri says picking Chase up out of his highchair.

"I can do-"

"I know you can do it. But you'll be doing it on your own a lot. Let me help." She rationalizes and walks back to the bathroom talking to Chase all the way down the hall.

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