Chapter 33: Let the flames Begin

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I never understood the point of having a 1st birthday for a baby, they won't remember it, all they want to do is play with is the paper and the boxes, but the parents, or in this case Jade's aunt Sherri and my mom made a huge deal about it and something called a "smash cake" for Chase to destroy. He become a sticky, blue mess while everyone took pictures as he flung pieces of cake onto the deck and smashed a tiny handful of cake into Jade's face. Which is now by far one of my favorite pictures I have of Jade.

"Did you get him all cleaned up sweetie?" my mom asks as Jade walks into the kitchen, she still has a smear of blue icing on her cheek and pieces of confetti in her ponytail, she looks adorable.

"Yeah, he had icing in his nose. IN.HIS.NOSE... I don't even..." She throws her hands up. "Ya know what? I don't want to know. He's clean and he's asleep. That's all I know." She says leaning on the island. "Thank you both for staying and cleaning up, I really appreciate it."

"Oh, honey we don't mind at all." Her aunt Sherri says closing the door to the dishwasher. "Plus, we wouldn't have missed Chase's first birthday."

"It's probably not what Daph would have planned or wanted, but I don't know her friends and..."

"It was perfect, baby." I say pulling her in between my legs and rub her hips. "You smell like cake." I whisper lowly in her ear sliding my fingers under her shorts slowly.

"Stop that." She mumbles leaning back against me.

"They aren't even paying attention." I turn her so she's facing me. "See?" I say brushing my lips against hers as her aunt and my mom continue to talk back and forth about plants or some shit.

"Bil-" She whispers against my lips as I slide my hand into her shorts.

"Shush." I hum in her ear and her breath hitches in her throat as I bring her closer against my body and rest my chin on her shoulder. I feel her fingers grip the back of my shirt as I slide my hand lower.

"Sweetheart, I think we're going to head out." My mom says and I hear Jade let out a frustrated sigh into my neck as she pushes herself away.

"We'll bring y'all breakfast in the morning." Her Aunt Sherri says.

"That sounds good." Jade says, smoothing her shirt and following my parents and her aunt and uncle to the door.

"Oh fuck." I grip the sheets as Jade holds my hips against the bed and my legs shake on either side of her shoulders, I can't take any more and push her head away, she slowly places open mouth kisses up my stomach, stopping right between my boobs to leave a mark like so many I've left on her body. Then kisses slowly up to my neck slowly.

"You okay baby?" She whispers while kissing my neck.

"Fuck yeah." I say rubbing her back, trying to catch my breath.

"Do you need your inhaler?" She asks slowly getting off me to lay on her side.

"I'm good mama." I look over at her. Her cheeks are pink, her hair is a wavy mess, and her lips are swollen; she looks like straight sex and I've never wanted her more so I lean over and I kiss her fully before pushing her onto her back and settle between her legs, as our kiss becomes more heated and she moans softly as I harshly palm and tug at her left breast.

"Morning sweetie." My mom says as she hands me a bowl of fruit and glass of matcha as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning." I say yawning as I take the bowl and cup, and my eyes meet Jade's as she's feeding Chase, I can't help but grin as she winks at me in a very subtle way.

"Jade, I'm going to the store later, do you need anything?" Her Aunt Sherri asks as she assesses the inventory of the refrigerator.

"I can't think of anything specific." Jade says placing another strawberry in front of Chase, then looks at me, "can you?"

"Tampons." I say shoving a grape in my mouth.

"Billie!" My mom says like she's surprised.



What's worse than Mondays? Other than my bi-weekly visit with Lydia, you might ask? How about being served with a petition from my dead brother in law's parents contesting my guardianship over Chase at 8am, all before I've had time to enjoy my coffee.

"So, because I'm 'young'." I say as I make quotation marks in the air, "and my life isn't quote 'conducive to raising a child' meaning because I'm not straight and don't have a job?" I toss the petition in Lydia's direction. "Can they even do that?"

"Legally, because they are his grandparents, they can petition to contest the validity of your guardianship." Lydia says looking over the petition.

"I barely know these people. I met them at Daphne and Jason's wedding and at the funeral. They've met their grandson a couple of times..." I can feel the tears brimming my eyes at the thought of having Chase taken away from me because of two people I've met twice in my life don't agree with my bisexuality.

"Here's what I suggest." Lydia says calmly. "Call your sister's lawyer and have him look over the petition and do it as soon as possible. There is a very good chance they don't have a legitimate case."

"Okay." I wipe my eyes and look over the petition again.

I've been looking over the petition for what seems like years, I run my hands through my hair and sigh. "Baby?" I hear Billie come up behind me.


"You good?"

"Not really..." I lay my head on the island. "Jason's parents are contesting my guardianship over Chase."

"Uh, what?"

I sigh and pick my head to look at her. "Jason's parents want to take Chase away from me because they don't think my lifestyle is 'right' for raising a child...." I wipe my eyes. "Because my sexuality and job or lack there of at the moment isn't the right environment for a baby?"

"Can they do that?" She asks sitting next to me.

"Apparently." I slide the paper in front of her and watch her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What the fuck?"


"What can I do? Do you want me to call my lawyer?"

"No, I'm meeting with Daphne and Jason's lawyer tomorrow. But thank you."

"We'll get through this baby."

I just nod, I didn't think being bisexual would ever be cause for concern especially where my own nephew was concerned. If it was such a big deal why didn't Daphne and Jason nominate Jason's parents?

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