Chapter 1: ACL & Interscope

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October 2019:

It should not be this hot in October. I pull my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and continue helping Logan carry cases of water to the stage. We did this all day yesterday too. Sounds fun, right? It's not. I'm sweating in areas one should not be sweating; I got my period this morning, and ALL Logan can talk about is how many boobs he's seen in the crowd. I'm sure I look like I want to die, and at this point I'd welcome death. I help Logan dump more ice into a tub of canned water and free beer for the VIP section and get a better look at the large crowd. It's like a sea of neon colors, 40,000 people moving in all different directions; the pain in my lower back and uterus is now is no longer a dull ache but a throbbing pain, I can feel a migraine building in the back of my neck. Between the heat, the pain I am now in and the crowd chanting "Billie, Billie, Billie!" I need to find pain reliever ASAP.

I pinch the bridge of nose and take a deep breath. Maybe the medical tent has Advil. I make my way slowly to the tent; it seems like the crowd in the make-shift backstage area has doubled if not tripled in size, making it seem like the walls are caving in. Fuck I need to get out. My shoulder clips someone on my way "Sorry" I mumble not looking up, the only thing I'm able to focus on is the throbbing pain in my head; then the faint scent of vanilla hits my nose and I can feel the bile rise in my throat. Please let me make it to a trashcan. I clap my hand over my mouth and book it to the nearest trashcan before vomiting up the contents of my stomach into a half full trashcan full of on-lookers. Well this is fantastic. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. Let me just say I. Am. MORTIFIED. I'm ready to die now!

"You ok?" Teddy, one of the medics asks handing me a bottle of water and putting an ice pack on the back of my neck.

I just nod in response and take a slow sip of the water, "Can you let Travis Dodds know I'm leaving?" I ask holding the ice pack on my neck. I know I'm going to catch shit for this, but I just threw up in a trashcan in front of one of the biggest pop-stars in the world-I mean probably, alcohol wasn't even involved, whatever food I've had now sits in said trashcan; my vagina is sweating, I have boob sweat, and I need a shower. I'm calling it.

I've been sitting outside Travis' office for about 45 minutes now, I know he's going to yell at me for leaving on Saturday; but I have valid reasons, and I was back on Sunday and I've been working since Monday with no complaints. I just have to work weekend 2 of ACL and then I'm done, which is bittersweet.

"Jade?" I hear Travis call from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath and walk into his office. His desk is scattered with applications for the upcoming internship, and ACL TV Filming Schedule, one of which is being shot tomorrow night.

"Hey Travis..." I sit in a chair across from his desk. "Sorry about Saturday and..." He holds up his hand.

"It's fine, listen. Hannah can't stay tomorrow evening; can you help out with crowd control?" He's joking? I'm 5'3" and 140 pounds. How am I going to control a crowd? "It's mostly teenagers, you'll just be in charge of making sure they stay behind the camera."

"Yeah, that's fine." I nod.

"Okay, be here by 4 tomorrow. Please be on time and wear all black." He pinches the bridge of his nose and dismisses me. Guess I'm off the hook for Saturday.

If I'd known I'd be wrangling 13-year-old Billie Eilish fans I would have said "No." Wait, make that "Hell, no." I get to the theater at my designated time, and let me tell ya, teens are already lined up, half the moms and dads look like they could use a drink, and the rest of the people here look like they're here for the top-shelf VIP drinks. What the fuck did I sign up for?

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