Chapter 1 - Her

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The alarm beeped and she stretched a bit on the bed, she didn't try to snuggle back in the warmth of the sheet and got up, making her way to into the shower, the warm water splashed against her beautiful Indian skin tone, for moment she forgot tha...

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The alarm beeped and she stretched a bit on the bed, she didn't try to snuggle back in the warmth of the sheet and got up, making her way to into the shower, the warm water splashed against her beautiful Indian skin tone, for moment she forgot that she was in Shimla, where the temperature is always low but she was soon reminded and before she starts to shiver, she stepped out of the shower. And made her way to the wardrobe, picking up and simple white top, black pants, her black coat, she got ready, she set her hair in a bun and she put on minimal make up with  mahogany red lipstick.

After wearing her black heels and on putting her specs, taking her book in her hand, she walked out.

The drizzle kept dampening the parchment as she got in the car and driver started driving. She looked out of the window, the car passed by a college, the college she used to study in, she saw a boy and girl, chattering, she smiled. She wasn't a kind of person who'd think that they're boyfriend-girlfriend because she has experienced the same, one sided love, a boy, a heartbreak, everything. She sighed and opened her book, reading is the only thing that keeps her contended.

The driver stopped the car and she stepped out of it.

"Morning, Saira ma'am," said a girl, Aisha Arora, Saira's clerk.

"Good Morning, Aisha," Saira said, smilingly.

"Have you thought about the case of Mr. Mehra?" Aisha asked as they walked in.

"No, I tell him that he should find another lawyer who would fight for his lies." Saira said, "He's clearly the guilty one. The way he stammered while telling, his flop story, it made me sure he's lying and is the culprit."

"Ma'am.." Aisha said as Saira started looking in the files.

"Yeah. Aisha,"  comforted Saira.

"Can I have a halfday today?"


"Today I.. have.. a movie date so I... I have to go with Karan.." Aisha said, Saira looked up to Aisha who stood there with expectant eyes.

"Please, pretty please!!!!!!" Aisha begged.

"Okay, okay," Saira chuckled, "Go."

"Thank you!!!!" Aisha said.

After sometime Aisha spoke again, "ma'am can I ask you something?"

"What?" I said.

"Why don't you ever hang out with your friends? Movies?" Aisha stuck her tongue between her teeth.

"No one. I don't like hanging out and all,"Saira said, sternly.

"Sorry ma'am," Aisha said.

"It's okay, just do your work.." Saira said.

"You have any plans today??" Arjun asked as his brown eyes shined and his charming smile lingering on his face.

"No," Saira said.

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