Chapter 2 - What's going on?

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Arjun walked out of the study room into his own, he closed the door behind him softly

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Arjun walked out of the study room into his own, he closed the door behind him softly. He walked to the couch and sat there, he closed his eyes and thought about how it was before..
And how things have changed..

-Flashback is in italics and present is in normal font-

Arjun had came back the very morning after staying in Delhi for five years.. But this separation wasn't too strong to break the bonding of Krish and Arjun. He was happy that he was back home to Krish, Shravya, Meera, his bade Papa and badi ma. Shravya was in Hostel, though the college was in the same city but was very far so Shravya lived in hostel.

"Parth, should we just surprise Shravya? I mean she doesn't knows that you're back, I was going to get her back from hostel, her first year of college is over.." " Krish asked Arjun.
"Wow, nice, she'll freak out!" Arjun gave Krish a high five.
"Well Parth, Don forget, you'll meet Saira too there." Krish smirked, while driving.

"Saira?" Arjun said.

"You forgot her? Like Seriously? How can you forget her?" Krish said, pretending to be in shock.

"Saira. Saira. Saira." Arjun mumbled while trying to remember her, "OMG!" He said, "Saira, oh how can I forget her? Shravya's best friend! They're still friends?"

"Yeah, they're BEST FRIENDS and Saira is also the one we played our worst prank on, I still remember the way she cried." Krish laughed.

"Yeah. I never apologized her for that..." Arjun said.

"Ma then never even let us go close to her!" Krish said, "and you didn't apologize because of your nine years old ego."

"Yeah. Yeah !" Arjun laughed.


"For the sake of good Lord, Saira, can we now just set out, my Krish Bhaiya might already be there." Shravya said.

"Yeah. Yeah." Saira mumbled.

They walked out of their hostel building to the conventional centre in front of the hostel building.

"I should call Veer Bhaiya.." Saira said

"You didn't already?"

"He was busy the last time I called and I don't think so that he'd be here anytime soon." Saira sighed.

"Come with me, Krish Bhaiya will drop you."

"No, I'll be alright. I should just call bhaiya.." Saira trailed off, "my phone?"

"I don't know." Shravya said.

"I think I left it in the hostel room."

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