Chapter 10 - The First Trial

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A/N - I've never written a court case before, and I'm not a lawyer or a law student, It might Have some loop holes in trail scene... Okay..

Feel free to point out and correct me....
Thank you

Saira's POV

It was the day of the first trail of the case.

"Morning, Saira." Krish greeted.

"Morning Krishna." I returned the favour, "Where is Arjun?"

"Here!" Arjun walked to us and stood beside Krish.

"Ready for the trial Mr. Jaisingh?" I said.

"What was that? You addressed me as Arjun to him and when talking to me, Mr. Jaisingh?"

"My choice." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay," he too shrugged his shoulders.

"You two are annoying." Krish rolled his eyes.

. . .

"So as for the case's first trial," said Mr. Khanna, "I'd like to call my client's victim. May I?"

"You may," said the judge. I sighed and looked at Arjun, who was looking at the judge. Then I looked at Nikita, she smirked at me, why so?

"I'd like to call one of the waiters, Deep." Said Mr. Khanna.

Deep took the oath on Geeta.

"So, Deep, what did you saw on the fourteenth of July, the party at Hotel Transvilla."

"I..I.. I saw that, Arjun ji dragged Nikita madam into a room."

"Point to be noted my lord," said Mr. Khanna, "Deep said that Mr. Jaisingh dragged, I repeat dragged Miss Nikita into a room, why would he? Probably for the things what was about to happen, for some unpious activities."

It was enough, "Objection, my lord, grant me permission to ask some questions from Mr. Deep."

"Permission granted."

"Thank you my lord." I walked to the witness box and turned to the judge.

"Your honour, Mr. Deep said that he saw Mr. Jaisingh dragged Miss Verma into a room, why didn't he try to save her? Why no one else did?" I turned to Deep, "Why didn't you?"

"Objection my lord, Miss Sinha is making the witness nervous!" Mr. Khanna provoked.

"Objection overruled! The reason of Miss  Sinha is valid." Said the judge.

"Answer Mr. Deep, you swore on Geeta to say the truth, say it."

"Your honour, I'm just a waiter, how can I oppose?"

"Why you can't?" I said, "you could have."

"My lord, my student is trying to manipulate the witness!" Said Mr. Khanna.

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