Chapter 8 - Love is not easy.

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The cab stopped in front of Sinha Villa, Saira paid and walked in the Villa.

Sneha and Veer were talking about something in the living room, Saira ignored them and walked to her room directly.

She closed the door behind and leaned against, slowly falling on her knees.

"Why?" She let the tears she was holding out.

"Why does he has to ruin everything? Why? Why can't he just stop being so unknown," she cried, she can't believe it, she and Krish? She sees Krish as a brother and a good friend.

"Why?" She muffled her cries with her hand.

"Why?" She said, why can't she forget it? Why can't she stop herself? Why can't she stop loving him? Why can't she forget every moment spend with him?

It was night, everyone was in their tents, Saira was reading in her tents until she decided to walked out, it was freezing cold, she walked out and found.. Arjun, he was sitting with his back to her side but she recognized him because of his hair. He was sitting in the middle of the eight tents, he had even prepared a fire.

"Hey," Saira said, he turned, smiling, is there anything time when he doesn't smiles? She too smiled, unknowingly he has become her reason to smile.

"Can't sleep?" He asked

"Can ask you the same." She counters and he shook his head while smiling.

"C'mere," He pointed at the seat on the log he made as a bench, she walked and sat beside him.

"There is no network." He said showing her his phone.

"I know, this is why.." she showed him her book, he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Chashmish." He chuckled.

"It's a compliment for me though." She said looked away to the fireplace, she turned to look back to him and he found her gazing at her.. like always.

"Why you looking at me like that?" She chuckled softly.

"Can I.." he raised his hand and softly her specs, he was going to take him off but first he looked at her, she smiled, he took her specs off.

"More beautiful than I thought," he whispered, directly into her eyes, no specs in between, just two pairs of eyes gazing at each other, no sound else than that of the leaves that were dancing because of the wind and the faint voice of the fire consuming the log. No artificial lighting but better than that was the light of moon and the fire.

"Can I wear your glasses?" He asked.

"If you wish." She said, he put them on and she forced her not to laugh.

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