Chapter 9 - Clearing the misunderstanding

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Krish's POV

"I asked her why haven't she started dating you?" At these words I wished I was deaf.

"What did you say?" I said, I can't believe what he said.

"What?" He said as if I was overreacting over something.

"From where you did get this in your brain?"

"What? I mean.. you two like each other, right?"

"For the hell's sake! Arjun, what the hell are you saying? What in this freaking world made you think that?" I yelled at the top of my voice and smacked his head.

"You don't like her? You don't have feelings for her?" Arjun asked looking down, while rubbing his head where I recently hit and at his words blood was rushing through my veins faster than the speed of light.

"Shut the hell up or I'm gonna smash your head on the wall!" I yelled.

"What..." He looked to me like he did nothing.

"What are you saying? Arjun me and Saira? How the hell you even thought of that?" I said, my hands fisting.

"Didn't she say that?"

"When?? Oh the hell man, Why would she say that? She loved you!" I said.

"Two years back, Meera's birthday party, wasn't she talking to you ? Didn't she say that she wants to yells in front of everyone fearlessly that she loves you?? I still remember the exact words!!"

"I can't freaking believe you passed primary school." I sighed as I got reminder of what he is talking about.

"Saira?" I walked in the garden, the party was going on inside, Meera's birthday party.

"Oh Krish.." she smiled.

"What you're doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing, I don't like parties you know that." She said.

"Yeah," I said.

"You're graduating tomorrow, what does it feels like?" I asked.

She chuckled, "Nice and excited."

She was lost in thoughts,

"What happened?"

"I just..."


"I just.. want Arjun to tell.."

"That you love him?" I grinned, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Don't give that expressions, everyone knows that expect Parth." I chuckled

"Yeah... I'm afraid if he does so.."

"He does.. he loves you.."

"Oh, then I just want to yell in front of everyone that 'Yes, I love you...." She took a long pause, "'my Mr. Annoying Jaisigh and I'm ready to be annoyed by your for the rest of my life.'"

"Say she didn't say that!" He said and I came out of the memory.

"You know what is direct and indirect speech?"


"Yeah because I think you freaking need to know that!"

"Wh--" I forstalled him, "Only listen to what I am saying.. you heard that she said "I love you.." did you wait for more time to eavesdrop?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping, okay! I was just coming to get you and her as Badi ma asked me to and I heard.. her saying that... I left just the second she said that.."

"That's what created the misunderstanding!!" I smacked his head again, he whined, "Why you are being violent?"

"Shut up and answer what I'm asking!" I said and he nodded.

"Did you hear my name from her mouth? "


"Then how can you make out that she talking about me?"

"She said "you"' he said, sighing.

"Let me tell you what she said, "I love you..." She took a long pause after that, you could have stayed for a second or two at least, then she said, "Mr. Annoying Jaisingh. I'm ready to he annoyed by you the rest of my life."" I smacked his head again, "She doesn't calls me Annoying Jaisingh and you very well know she used to call you that!You could have stayed or asked me after that!?! Why you fought with her?"


I closed my eyes and sighed, "you think I'll not tell you I'll be in love with someone? And Arjun I knew that you loved her, why would I? You didn't try to even ask me? Why? Am I that distant for you?" I felt bad, how can he think like that. My best friend  thought that I'm in love with the guide he loves! He kept things from me, the Arjun, who tells me everything since childhood.. kept such a big thing from me.. he didn't tell me, he kept it with himself, he could have asked me, couldn't he? I turned to leave.

"Arjun..." his voice stopped me

"I don't wanna talk to you, Arjun." I walked to the door.

"Krish, no, please," he held my arm.

"What?" I said.

"Krish, I know I should have asked you but would you blame me? If you were at my place? Won't you do the same? Won't you think of my and her happiness, even though you loved her?"

He was right.. if I were at his place, I would have left her for his and her happiness.


"I wasn't able to understand anything, I loved her, I thought she loved you and you didn't get along with Mini even though she loved you like hell, that made me believe that you love Saira, that is why you.. you didn't start dating Mini.. I just wanted you and her to be happy so.. I left her..." He said, the nostalgia visible in his eyes.

"Arjun why didn't you ask me after that?"

"I wanted to forget her.. for her good and yours too."

"So you left her without telling her the reason?" I asked.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know that she loved me.." he said, "please Krish, don't be upset with him, I know what I've done is worth to be mad about but.. what I'd do without you?You're my problem solver, please solve my this problem too... I've been killing ny feelings for her from past two years but they don't seem to die.. and I've again hurt her.. I don't know what to do..."

"If we told what really happened to Saira right away, she's gonna be double mad... So wait... say sorry what you asked yesterday and be patient."

"As you say." He said and gave me a bro hug.

"Krish you know, I hate you, you always convince me even after telling me the thing I should kill you for." I laughed

"Because you're my Best friend." He grinned and I chuckled, "I am."


The bond of Arjun-Krish!

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