Don't think I've forgotten about you bringing up my parents

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Unfortunately, nothing good lasts for me in this world so when I went back to my house this morning to change into a fresh pair of clothes I was met with an angry-looking Mick asking me all sort of questions about where I've been.

I told him I was staying with a friend but he kept asking who and it was but I wasn't going give him Alex's name because God knows what he'd do with it so I just let him beat me until he was happy with his job, all the while Brittney stared at me, a smirk on her lips.

I cleaned myself up as best as I could and drove to school on my bike, coming up with an excuse on the way there. I park in my usual spot and get plenty of looks for the current situation happening on my face.

"Hey bab- Jesus Christ Dan, what happened to your face!" Kelley asks in horror when she sees it.

"is nothing to worry about it, I fell off my bike riding today and I don't have my helmet on so I scrapped it across the floor pretty badly," I say hoping it will convince her

"Have you gone to the nurse's office or something, you need to get it looked at and cleaned, it might get infected," Kelley says getting very panicked over the situation

"babe, please calm down, I'm fine aren't I you don't need to panic," I say but it doesn't work and she soon sees Alex and Serv walking down he corridor so calls them over

"bloody hell Dan, who the hell beat you up," Serv says looking at my face

"nobody, I fell off my bike and I wasn't wearing my helmet so my face scrapped across the floor pretty badly but I'm alright nothing is broken," I say hoping they'll leave me alone

"I think she should go get it cleaned by the nurse but she doesn't want to," Kelley says looking at Alex and Serv

"I'll take her Kelley, you go tell the teacher that she'll be late," Alex says making me groan out in annoyance

"thank you Lex, please stay out of trouble today babe," Kelley says kissing me in the lips and heading to her lesson.

I turn to look at Alex and see her and Serv staring at another like they're almost having a silent conversation and next thing I know my arms being grabbed and dragged across the corridor

"ow guys I can walk to the nurse's office without your help- wait this isn't the nurse's office," I say as they pull me into the other room instead

"give us the truth Dan," Alex says crossing her arm angrily

"I already told you, I crashed my bike-"

"cut the bullshit Dan, I know what a punch looks like and they are most definitely them," He says painting to my face

I don't really have a way off getting out of this one, they don't believe my bike story like Kelley does and Serv already suspects it being first without me even saying anything

"fine it wasn't a biking accident, I got beat up," I say in defeat and slump down in a chair

"beat up! By who?" Alex asks shocked

"it doesn't matter who, can I go now I've told you the truth," I say going to stand up but being pushed back down by Serv causing a hiss to leave my lips

"who the hell did this to you Dan" Serv says just as angrily as Alex

"it was Mick okay! He did it, it's always him he seems to like beating me up" I shout out giving in to their pestering

"whos Mick" Serv asks confused

"her step mom's boyfriend" Alex says for me

"he was in a bad mood this morning when I went home and like usual he took it out on me," I say putting a hand to my ribs thinking about this morning

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