I'm proud of you baby, I know you find it hard to open up

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We're sitting in the student lounge with the team's just chatting about school and life when Alex speaks up

"by the way guys, Dan and I have a free house this weekend so who's down for a party slash hang out kind of thing?" Alex says making everyone cheer loudly

"just the teams though, I don't want Jaelene anywhere near our house," I say to everyone

"fine by me, she ruins all the events we go to anyways," Charlie says making us laugh.

"perfect, come for 7 on Saturday, we need to get the place ready and bring cossies," Alex says looking at me

"Everyone is going to be so jealous," Ash says high fiving Zach across the couch.

Saturday morning rolls around and I'm helping bring Pam's bags to her car before she leaves for the weekend

"you're all ready to go mom," I say smiling and giving her a hug, still getting used to calling her mom

"stay safe for me okay, call if there are any problems" She says and gives Emelia and Alex hugs too before we wave goodbye as she drives off.

"I'm heading to Jacks!" Em tells me running up to her room the second mom's car is out of sight.

"pack condoms!" I yell back with a smirk only to he slapped on the arm by Alex

"I was only joking, jesus" I say rubbing the spot she hit

Em comes back down a few seconds later, bags in her hand and waving at us as she walks off out of the house.

"goodbye to you too" Alex says sarcastically rolling her eyes at the younger Morgans attitude.

"What are we getting for this party tonight?" I ask Alex

"I ordered some things last night like lights and inflatables and stuff for the outside area, we just need to get some alcohol now which is going to be hard," She says scratching her head.

"I've been able to get served since I was 16, it's not a problem, let me go change and we can head out" I say smiling smugly at Alex as we head up to my room

"Why are you even getting alcohol at 16 Dan," She asks but I decide to not answer that one and route through my wardrobe.

I get changed into a low cut tank top that shows off my tattoos and abs and put on some shorts and vans before adding a snapback and sunglasses just to make it fit together.

"Okay I see it now, the tats and ab definitely sell it for you," She says looking over my outfit.

"Go to the one of 2nd avenue, the cashier is definitely gay," I tell her and the pair of us get into her car and drive off to buy some alcohol.

She parks the car outside and I tell her to wait there knowing I'll be in and out in less than 5 minutes. I walk in through the door and slowly take off my sunglasses placing them on the neck of my tank, I head over to the bottles and pick up some vodka and wine before heading to the counter and placing them in front of her.

"Just these please love," I say not breaking eye contact with her.

She picks up the items and the whole time doesn't break contact with me, scanning the bottles and placing them back down.

"keep the change," I say placing a 50 down and winking at her before collecting my items and walking off.

I climb back into the car with a smirk on my face as Alex stares at me in shock.

"How the fuck did you just do that, you weren't even 2 minutes," She says checking her watch

"I can't be spilling my secrets! Come on we've got more stuff to get first" I say laughing at her expression as we drive to the next store.

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