You said to not hurt her, nothing about ruining her reputation

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It takes Kelley a full week before she's healthy enough to come back to school and I stayed off for three of them to take care of her back at Alex's place. Even though I wanted to stay the whole week she practical shoved me through the school doors.

The guy who stabbed Kelley was never caught and he apparently broke into the school but we all know full well Jaelene had it planned out.

She's back at school today and Tobin, Ash and I spent the whole night coming up with a plan to get back at Jaelene. Kelley specifically said to not hurt her but it doesn't mean we can't have some fun.

"is it in place" I whisper to Ash as she comes running around the corner

"I had to flirt with the new receptionist so she'd give me her combination code, don't tell Ali or we'll be planning my funeral next," Ash says making the pair of us laugh.

"here she comes," Tobin says holding my arm as Jaelene walks down the corridor with her crew

I just smile fakely at her and watch as she scoffs at me and walks straight into our trap. The three of us lean around the corner watching in anticipation.

She puts in her combination code and opens her locker door causing a spray of blue paint powder to come flying out and straight into her face

"oh my God!" She screams loudly as people passing by laugh at her

The three of us can't help but start crying with laughter, Tobin is practically lying in the floor holding her stomach as we watch Jaelene run down the corridor screaming

Once we've collected ourselves we head to find the others and I spot Kelley walking with Ali and Alex

"why has the devil just ran past us looking like a smurf?" Ali questions making us start laughing all over again

"I said to not doing anything guys," Kelley says looking unimpressed with our little payback

"you said to not hurt her, nothing about ruining her reputation" I reply and wrap my arm around Kelley's waist smiling down at her

She just rolls her eyes at me but leans up to kiss my cheek and I know she's not mad anymore.

"come on you lot, we've got soccer practise," Ash says and we all quickly run off knowing coach will kill us if we're late

We arrive in the locker room and everyone is talking about Jaelene and how she looked like a smurf running down the corridor. We told them all about how we planned it out and the team were in stitches.

"I don't want to hear any of you say anything incriminating against yourself so save the gossip chat till after practice please," Coach says as we all gather around him

"you've got to say it was a little funny" I say smirking at our coach

"I'm a teacher Parker, so now it wasn't funny," he says with a straight face and we all soon shut up

"but if I was a student I would say it was hilarious" He adds on before walking off making us all cheer loudly

"start the warmups captains," He says and I can see the smirk through the back of his head

Carli and Becky lead us through the warm-up drills like usual and we have a laugh through them the youngsters still talking about the prank we pulled this morning.

"I wasn't happy with our first time finishes last game so we're working on that today" Coach tells us and splits us into to teams if 6

The team's go a little like this:

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