Jesus Parker, we need to get you to the nurse's office

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The last few months have been a little crazy, to say the least, Mick has decided he doesn't want me in the house at all now, saying I'm too much of a distraction but I know he doesn't want what happened last time to be another problem.

So that means I practically live with Alex. Pam ended up buying a house and it's very nice; three stories, full backyard with a pool and hot tub built-in and plenty of room inside to keep everyone entertained.

She offered me my own room in the house but Alex and I decided we like sleeping in the same place together so we knocked down the room next door that was going to be mine and basically converted it into one huge room. We have separate sides of the room that we keep all out stuff in but a king-sized bed in the middle.

It's still being built and furnished since we decide to paint it all ourselves and wanted to add in a few cool features.

Schools have been great, Emelia has stopped having problems with bullies and her and Jack can just enjoy school as the Sophomores they are. Jaelene's still a pain in my ass but these days it's just words being said back and forth to the other, nothing since the drug incident.

It's Kelleys and Is four months coming up soon and right now we're just cuddled up on the field with a few of our teammates from both sports

"no I'm telling you, Mr Davis is definitely having an affair with Miss Jenkins" Zach says making us all burst out laughing

"you're imagining things Zach," Servando says shaking his head at our teammate who has his arm secretly around Alex's waist

"well what is this then" he declares getting out his phone and showing us a photo of the two teachers coming out of a closet looking very messy

We all just stare at in shock thinking he was joking but this is definitely after sex look for the both of them

"bro are you serious, how did you get this," I say taking his phone so Kelley and I can get a better look

"I was coming out the bathroom and saw them across from me, I already had my phone out cause I was checking if my hair was okay," He says and we all roll our eyes at the last part

"you do realise that you've basically got photographic evidence of our headteacher having an affair," Kelley says looking at Zach who's just smirking

"yep and that means I've got a free pass for the rest of school," He says smugly

"Send me that photo now," I say wanting to have a free pass from getting kicked out majorly

however, we're interrupted when the devil decides to grace us with her presence.

"excuse me boys, but why at you sitting with these, things," Jaelene says looking over at Zach and Servando

"Listen here Jaelene, we're sick of pretending to actually like you and want some real friends in this school, so just jog on will you," Serv says and Alex practically chokes next to him

"excuse me!" She says loudly

"you heard him, move along," Zach says and I've never seen her so mad before.

"what the fuck just happened," Tobin says speaking up and breaking the silence

We all just burst out laughing watching as she angrily stomps away in her Gucci shoes she's like to flex on us all with.

"You both are dead" I say but the boys just shrug their shoulders not having a care in the world about it.

The day progresses and ever since this morning, I've been getting weirder and weirder looks from students passing by in the corridor. I'm at my locker heading to the last lesson when I see Emelia full-on sprinting down the corridor and straight at me

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