We're here today to remember two sisters with bright futures ahead of them

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Kelley POV

The weeks pass by and soon enough the whole world knows about the Morgan sisters. Two star athletes who were headed to do great things had tragically passed away in a hit and run

The police found their bodies in the crash site, burnt beyond recognition and the only way to identify their bodies was through dental records.

The school held a memorial where everyone mourned the death of their quarterback and soccer star. Everyone took it hard, even Jaelene.

At first, Ash, Tobin, Serv, Hope and I didn't believe any of it to be true. I mean we found the room on how Christopher Hinkle killed Dan's father and I just knew he was behind it all, he had to be.

But time passes and new things turn up, the culprit was apprehended and he confessed to committing the hit and run, killing my girlfriend and best friend. Soon enough I was the only one left be believing that they were still alive and out there.

The one's closets to them aren't the same anymore; Tobin has distanced herself from everyone and her relationship with Christen is hanging on by a thread, Ash hardly speaks a word, the youngsters who are usually the light of the team are just as cold and Serv barely even turns up at school anymore.

I walk into the student lounge again and just like every other day everyone is sitting in silence a few conversations going on in quiet whispers. I've had enough of it all

"You all need to stop moping around and help me look for our best friends, they're out there and need our help!" I say to everyone

"Kelley stop this!" Tobin shouts shocking most people since she's barely spoken in weeks

"You need to move on, they're dead Kelley, they found their bodies, the guy confessed. You need to stop living in this fantasy world where they're somehow alive, let people fucking grieve!" Tobin says and grabs her bags before storming off out the room.

Christen follows after her while I look around the room wondering if everyone else feels the same way. Clearly, they do because nobody replies and I decide I've had enough of this today and grab my bags too.

I walk out the school gates and get the next bus coming past and decide to go back to Dan's house. I know that it will be empty since Em is in school and Pam has buried herself with work at the hospital.

I get there and pick up the spare key underneath the plant pot before letting myself in and going to their room and into the secret one.

I look over everything trying to find something that could help me find them, somewhere in this town they could be. If anyone able to figure it out it should be me, I mean I'm the one person who knows this town like the back of my hand

I'm rooting through it all when my eyes and on a picture of Camden Forset, the place Dan and I had our first date.

- - - -

I watch as Dan's eyes flicker around the scenery, trying to take everything in all at once. I forget people have never seen this side of town, it always surprises me when people are marvelled by the views

"what about his place?" Dan asks pointing to the old abandoned building that's centuries old.

"That building has been there practically since the beginning of this town has, it was first built back in 1745 by the British who discovered this land. That's why we have a lot of British tourists, anyways, it was used as a factory for making cotton since it needs a damp environment and you know what it's like here, the said is always moist. It got bombed in plenty of wars but was always rebuilt back up. I think it was just after the second world war where it was bombed for the fourth time that they rebuilt it but closed it down afterwards, keeping it as a memory for the town's history. Unfortunately, it was forgotten about and is now just a run-down factory that no one's allowed to even see" I explain maybe rambling in a bit too much

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