Are you kidding me Morgan! I'm shitting one right now

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After Kelley laid into me the other day and gave it to me real I realised how shit of a friend I had been. I know I wanted to protect them all but how can I do that if I'm not around.

My first step is going to the boys, I've been a shit captain especially with Worlds around the corner they need me to be on my best form.

We're having practice this morning and I asked coach in advance if I could speak with the boys before training starts. I wait until they are all in the locker room before standing up

"first of all I want to apologise to you, I've been a shit captain, friend, teammate and all-around person lately and I've got no one else to blame for that but myself." I start saying and see Serv and Zach smiling at me

"I should've put my problems aside and focused on this team, we're so close to worlds and I know how much this means to you all, especially with college applications happening soon for a lot of us" I tell them truthfully

"But I promise that will never happen again, you guys have my full effort and commitment from now on," I say and wait for someone to say somebody but nobody does

"thank God, I need someone to put Jaelene in her place again" Charlie calls out making everyone laugh

"we're happy you're back Dan, it wasn't the same with moody you," Serv says coming over to put me in a headlock

"Thanks bro, you know what that means now though" I say smirking at them all as they look on with confused faces

"5 laps of the field!" I shout out running out the room laughing as I hear the string of curse words and complains.

I wait for Tobin to come out knowing I need to apologise for the most to her, she's been one of m best friends since day one.

"Hey Tobs, listen-" I start to say

"Dan chill, it's cool okay everyone handles things differently and the main thing is you realised your mistake," She says and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding

"Thanks Toby" I say smiling and pull her in for a side hug

After training finishes, I know my next task is to apologise to the girls. We usually meet up in the lounge around this time so I head over that way with Tobin

"do you think they're going to forgive me or be mad?" I ask her

"just say the same thing you did to the boys and everyone will understand, I promise," She says trying to reassure me things will work out

I walk in and all eyes turn to look at me standing next to Tobin, all shocked that I'm in school probably and that I'm here in front of them not sitting by myself smoking at the bleachers.

"I want to start off by saying I'm the stupidest fucking person on the planet," I say getting a laugh out of most of them

"I went through something tough and instead of leaning on the people who care about me the most I pushed you all away and its the worst thing I've done. I'm so sorry for how I treated you all and I didn't realise how I'm not the only one affected until someone told me" I say looking at Kelley who's not making eye contact with me

"If you can find it in your heart to forgive me and the old ways I would love nothing more than to have my family back," I say hopefully

All of a sudden Mal jumps out of her seat and rushes to hug me tightly around the waist, this seems to cause a wave of responses and soon enough I'm stuck in the middle of a huge circle.

"would you look at that Dan has for her friends back," Jaelene says in a baby voice behind me

"why do you have to ruin everything Jaelene," I say rolling my eyes as I turn around to face her

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