Can you hurry up please, I've got a girlfriend to go celebrate with

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The few days of no new information soon turn into weeks that go on into months and out case has officially gone cold. No further clues have appeared or deals have gone down and we're really struggling to follow any new leads.

We're on the bus right now heading to the semi-final game for nationals, we've managed to win every game in the league and currently top of our table, we just want to get the one thing we never have, and that's a national championship.

I've got Kelley sleeping on my shoulder next to me while I look out the window, bored out of my brains. I glance up the bus and see Alex smiling widely at her phone probably texting Serv who finally grew some balls and asked Alex out last month.

I love them both but when they're together it can be bit much, it's the honeymoon phase right now so it should calm down eventually.

Meanwhile, my girlfriend is passed out, so counting the number of red cars that pass by is my entertainment. Just as I'm about to get to 100 something in the distance catches my eye. I look closely at it and the words that are written on the side stop me in my tracks.

"Alex!" I yell jumping up out my seat, waking a very unhappy Kelley in the process

"what!" She asks looking at me concerned

"look at the building!" I reply and she gets out of her seat to look through our side of the bus and when she finally notices she turn to gasp at me

"No way!" She exclaims pulling me in for a hug as the pair of us celebrate in the middle of the bus, jumping up and down.

"I'm really confused as to why you're celebrating over Hackley's storage unit," Ash says looking weirdly at had

"it's just some game we've got going on with my mom," Alex says coming up with an excuse.

"I'll go sit down next to Kelley," Allie says getting up out of her seat and taking mine so I can sit down with Alex

"have we seriously just figured out the last part of the name" I whisper to Alex, pure happiness on my face

"We have, I can't believe it," She says in just as much shock as me

"How did we not figure it out though, we searched the internet for places called Hackley," I say wondering why it never came up.

"We were only looking in our town though, we are a good hour away from it all so it wouldn't have come up in our search" She explains

"We need to investigate this further, maybe there are some clues at the factory that could help us, something we missed last time we went" I whisper to her

"Okay that sounds good, we'll talk about it more tonight when we get back, we're almost there now," She says and I look out the window to see the school coming up in the distance.

- - - -

The game starts and like usual it's scrappy, the other team wanting to do anything to break our winning streak and get themselves into the finals.

They're currently on the counter-attack and I'm running back to help defend since we're very outnumbered. I watch as their striker over hits the ball allowing Hope to rush out and smoother it but the player has other thoughts and decided to slide in, hoping to get the ball some way or the other

She does get the ball but also Hopes knee and as the keeper screams out on the floor in pain I have to run past as the ball had gotten free and it's currently rolling towards the goal. I slide on the floor clearing it out and running straight to Hope

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