Get me to that school now, I need to see that asshole in cuffs

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Dan's POV

"I'll get it out of you eventually Dan, soon enough you'll be wishing I just end it all," Hinkle says as he takes off the brass knuckles he's been beating me with and cleaning off the blood with a cloth

"I'm no cactus expert but your whole family are pricks" I reply spitting the blood out to one side

"your father tried to do the same thing, act like he knew nothing and that caused him to get shot, remember that?" Hinkle says gripping into my arms tightly as we stare each other down.

"I killed your father Dan, he didn't drown in his honeymoon but I guess you already knew that didn't you," He says

He's just confessed to killing my dad, he's the reason I've lived the past 4 years of my life in complete misery, he's the reason I got constant beatings and punishments from Mick. He's the reason I don't have a father to go home to every night.

"so you were the one to actually do it then, I thought you'd be too much of a pussy to actually be the one to pull the trigger," I say trying to keep my cool because I know he wants me to lash out

"For all the trouble that man caused me I wasn't going to let some random guy do it, no I wanted to see his face as I put the barrel to his forehead and told him to say goodbye to you," He tells me

"To think you're a fucking father sickness me, maybe that's why Jaelene is so messed up cause she's got you as a dad," I say scowling at him

"Don't you talk about my daughter like that," He says punching me in the face again causing a groan to escape my lips and blood to start pooling in my mouth

"everyone will know what you did Christopher, they'll know you killed my father, I can promise you that" I reply not backing down from looking him in the eyes

"Sorry to cut this one short but I've got a graduation to get to, I've got this whole speech talking about the Morgan sisters and how missed they are, maybe I'll say hello to some of your friends," He tells me with a smirk on his face before walking out of the room.

If I wasn't strapped down to a chair right now I would beat the living daylights out of his smug face before he could say another word. I get dragged back to my 'room' again, the same routine for however long we've been here for, I think it's been my birthday but I'm not too sure.

Alex is there like usual having had her interrogation for the day as well and she comes straight over to me.

"Jesus Dan, it's bad today, what the hell did they do to you?" She asks concerned as she looks over my face and body

"The main man himself decided to have a go today but he had brass knuckles on so everything hurts like ten times more than normal," I say trying not to move too much as I know my ribs are out of place.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch as soon as I get a chance," Alex says taking off my shirt to have a better look

"I know my ribs are fucked Alex so you're going to have to put them back into place for me," I tell Alex who seems very reluctant to do so

"I've never done this before Dan, what if I mess up and make it worse by like puncturing your lung or something!" She says getting a little panicked

"You're fine Alex trust me, remember when I did it to Emelia on my first week here, just do the same thing," I tell her confidently

"Easy" She replies sarcastically but puts her hands into position.

I take my discarded t-shirt and place it in my mouth biting down hard because I know this is going to hurt a lot and I really don't want a guard coming in to beat me up even more.

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