Explaining the Past.

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Cherie was clenching her purse, and I just stood there in awe. I haven't seen her in a year, and she looks the same. Eyes puffy, nose red, baggy clothes, hair up in a messy bun. I didn't know what to say, my mouth was open. Not expecting to see her, clearly as the last time she told me to get out of her house cause I was the "cause" of Dylans death. She looked terrified, and still sad. I was looking around me for the hope of someone to call my name, or Cuddy telling me to do clinic duty, god what I would do to hear that right now.

"Mind if we talk?" She asked. I didn't know what to say, should I say Yes? No?

"Sure." Cherie and I made our way down to the cafeteria, I could see her fear, probably thinking that this was a bad idea. We got to the elevator and walked in, pressing the button. All I could think of is 'why is she here? Did something new come up?' It took us about two minutes until the elevator door opened and revealed the sight of the cafeteria. I walked out first with her following behind me. We strolled to an open booth and I slid in first, Cherie following in second, across from me. I sat there in silence, and she looked nervous, probably not knowing what to say. I broke the silence first.

"What can I do for you?"  I asked. She just stared at me, and I felt like i was going numb.

"I just have some questions to ask you about Dylan. I know this is hard for you, thinking about what happened. But I keep thinking about it over and over again, and I can't put this piece together." She grabbed a note from her purse and flattened it on the table. It was Dylans suicide note. And I just stared at it, memories flooding back from when I saw him in his room with the note taped to one of his candles. "There is something here I just can't understand and I thought you could be able to help me." She picked up the note so I could see it properly, but all I wanted to do is run away and not think about the memories.

"Mhm." I said, telling her to continue. She pointed to a line that stated 'my one and only, keeping me out of the dark. I'm so sorry this had to happen like this. I never wanted to cause you pain but that's all I ever did. Find someone who will treat you better than I will.' My mind went back to when I first saw the note and how I felt and I tried so hard to forget it, but I know it will never leave me.

"Dylan always treated you the best. You were the best thing in his life, I just don't understand why he said he caused you pain. You guys were so happy together and were always hand in hand. Would you be able to tell me what he meant by that? Cause I kept re reading it over and over again and it's not making any sense." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away. When I first read that sentence, I never understood what he meant, i went over so many things and wrote things down in notebooks just trying to get into his head. Cherie came all this way and I didn't wanna disappoint her. Can I lie to her? No no no, Bella you are not  going to lie to her, no matter what she says.

"Mrs. Winston, I'm sorry but I've tried to figure out what he meant over and over again but I just could never seem to figure it out. I'm so sorry. I wish that I could help you." Tears were strolling down her cheeks and I felt terrible, I couldn't help her and she drove three hours just to get to me and all I said was i'm sorry. She grabbed Dylans note from the table and folded it nicely and placed it back into her purse. I grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it.

"Where are you staying in town?" I asked.

"At the Marriot Hotel. I'm just staying there for the night." She replied, I wanted to do something nice for her since she came all his way and how I turned out completely useless.

"Why don't we have dinner. I would love to catch up with you if thats alright." She gave a soft smile and I wasn't sure if that was gonna be a yes or no. But I was hoping she would've said yes cause it made make me feel better knowing that I could help her out by giving her a five star dinner.

"That sounds great Bella." Cherie said. I was happy and I thought that if there was a way to tell her how much I still appreciate her even though Dylan isn't here, this could be it.

"How about I pick you up around seven thirty?"

"Sounds good. Thank you sweetheart. I knew that Dylan chose well." I gave her a sweet smile and slid across the booth to leave while we said our goodbyes. I was walking until I saw someone trying to hide behind Wilson. In which I thought was pretty pathetic, cause of course I knew who it was in an instant. Why does he always have to spy on me? It's literally only been half a day and I feel like I'm going to explode. I can see that Wilson was starting to get annoyed by House pushing him from side to side to keep himself hidden from my view. I had enough from House for the day and all I could think is when I am able to go home and drink an entire bottle of wine and sink into my couch while watching old cheesy romantic movies. But unfortunately i'm unable to do that cause i'm having dinner with Dylans mom. I wanna go and spend time with her and thank her for all the things she has done for me and explain to her that Dylan was my world and I wouldn't be anywhere without him or her. I made my way up to the House's office with just Chase and Cameron sitting there. Chase is making coffee and Cameron is looking over our patients MRI scans seeing if there was anything we missed. But I wasn't there for the differential so I had no idea what was going on. I walked to the door and pushed it behind me and strolled to the coffee station to steal a few biscuits that were open, and only had four left and I was a little hungry so I went for it and sat down in my normal chair, the chair that's closest to House.

"What was on the MRI?" I asked Cameron.

"Lesions on the frontal lobe." She answered and look disgusted at me. I squinted my eyes at her.

"Problem?" I questioned her. She took a sip from the coffee that Chase gave her and set it back down.

"I just don't think doctors should know what's going on if they're not gonna contribute to a diagnosis or participant in the differentials." I looked at her with a blank face. I didn't know what to say. Does Cameron know something about me and House? Is she jealous? I was confused and thrown into my own thoughts until I heard a man who has a walk of three.

"Now Cameron, don't deflect Kallo about her absence. She has more important stuff to do than to save someones life." House explained. Wow, I thought. Still a dick even though he almost seduced me hours ago. This is why I need a drink.

"I had some business to take care of if you are all interested in." House stared at me with a questioned look and sat down and talked about the case. We all thought what we should do from here on out. He told everyone else what to do except for me. The doctors left and I was looking around to see if I should follow them until I saw House glare at me tilt his head towards his office. I sighed and got up to follow him. He didn't sit down, he stood up waiting for me to follow him. I opened the glass door and proceeded to walk towards him.

"Who was that women you were talking to in the cafeteria?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked stepping a foot closer to were House was standing.

"I'm a noisy son of a bitch but i'm sure you already know that." He stepped closer.

"Given the fact that's scientifically proven offers no values to my opinion about you." I moved closer to him and giving him the satisfaction that our game is still on.

"Who. Was. That. Woman?" He stepped closer until I could feel his breathe on my neck.

"My former mother in law." I didn't back down and I knew he wasn't either. We just stared at each other and I was getting drawed in and in until he moved his head closer to mine. And I leaned in too, forgetting about the game for a quick second. I saw his eyes close and I closed mine as well. It was finally about to happen, a man who I knew was an ass and incapable of loving another human being, finally getting the nerve to admit his feelings for me and this is proving that the other night meant something towards him. It was about to happen then he leaned back.

"Not today Kallo."

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