Part 6

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Midnight walked into the dorms, and class 1-A exploded with a tidal wave of questions. The pro hero waved her arms in a 'silence' motion, then took a deep breath. Her eyes were red, and she looked exhausted. "One at a time, please."

Iida stepped forward with his hand raised, as if he were a kindergartener being called on to answer a question. "Please, what is Mr. Aizawa's condition?"

Midnight sighed, rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand before answering. "He's stable. The hospital discovered that he was being poisoned with some sort of cleaner, but I can't say too much about that because it's a police matter." The class gasped, but Midnight halted them from interrupting her again. "Present Mic is also showing some mild symptoms of the same poison, so he's going to be kept overnight for observation."

"I won't sugarcoat it, this is bad. Having three staff members down in a month... this is something that the school had to seriously consider the implications of. Since it's only a few weeks out from summer break, we have elected to keep you in the dorms, but cancel classes for the remainder of this term. I should also warn you that the police will want to interview you all. And... if any of you need to talk, please feel free to stop by at my office."

Midnight seemed strangely small, hugging herself and unable to meet the eyes of the students. "I'm so sorry that this has happened."

She left soon after, wishing all of the students well. 

The Traitor in Our Midst (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now