Part 13

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Kirishima woke up and groaned when he saw that his alarm only read 11 pm. "Ugh, I only slept for an hour?" The redhead groaned and got out of bed- maybe getting a drink would help. Well, having Bakugou back would help, but he couldn't have that right now.

When Kirishima made it to the bathroom, he could hear the water already running, and someone cursing under their breath. For one joyous second, Kirishima had hope- he ran the rest of the way and yelled "Baku-

It wasn't him. Instead, Kirishima was greeted by Kaminari. The electricity quirk user had his forearm stretched out in the sink, and Kirishima got a good view of bloody toothmarks before Kaminari yanked his sleeve back down.

"That looks pretty bad, do you want me to get Mr. Aizawa? Or a med-

"No! Go away and mind your own business." Kaminari hissed through gritted teeth.

Kirishima faltered; his classmate had never acted like this before, so why now? "Dude, it's not unmanly to ask for help you know. It's bleeding through your sleeve."

Indeed it was. Kaminari shrugged. "So what? I think the teachers have other things to worry about." He pushed past Kirishima and left.

What could have caused something like that? Kirishima couldn't be sure. All he knew was that now he had another person to worry about.

Kirishima headed back to his room, but froze as soon as his hand touched the door.

Why would Kaminari have a bite mark? And why would he hide it? There had to be an innocent explanation... right? But all Kirishima could think of was how odd Kaminari had been acting, even when he had been trying to cheer him up. There had been something in his eyes that just hadn't sat right. Kiri had shrugged it off as Kaminari going through his own problems, but now he wondered...

Kirishima turned away from his room, determined to do something to help.

The Traitor in Our Midst (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now