Part 15

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Aizawa snapped into action immediately, activating his capture scarf. "Kirishima, go!"

The hardening hero obeyed, shooting off down a side hallway that would take him around the fight instead of through it.

The dorm rooms were far enough away that Kirishima couldn't hear the fight anymore. He hoped that Aizawa was winning, but he was also worried. If Kaminari had the skill to take out staff members and kidnap Bakugou, he had to be more powerful than everyone thought.

Kirishima tried the door. Locked. He automatically hardened his skin and punched through, ignoring the wood shards which splintered in a million different directions. Then Kirishima started searching- nothing under the bed, nothing in the chest, nothing in-

Kirishima found Bakugou curled up in the closet, almost hidden under a pile of clothes. The blond was pale, and he didn't react when Kirishima gently shook him. "Bakugou..." Heart in his throat, Kirishima checked his boyfriend's pulse;

It beat strong and steady under his fingers, and Kirishima breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly broke the duct tape, whispering apologies at the red marks it left on Bakugou's ankles. When he moved to the wrists, Bakugou started to stir.

"Wha.. stop.. I didn't do anything!"

Bakugou's voice was raw and dry, and the harsh sound of it broke Kirishima's heart. "It's okay babe, it's me. I've got you, it's okay. I need to get this tape off so that it's not hurting you anymore." Kirishima noted the blood on Bakugou's ears with a flash of rage.

Bakugou forced his eyes open a crack and mumbled, "Arm's broken." Kirishima looked, and hissed in sympathy pain. How could Kaminari have been this brutal?

"I'll be gentle."

The tape was soon removed, and Kirishima pressed a kiss to each reddened wrist. Bakugou never let him dote like this, but this time he seemed too out of it to care.

"Can you walk?"

To his credit, Bakugou made a valiant effort. But his legs folded, and Kirishima scooped him up in a bridal style carry, moving gingerly around his broken arm.

Bakugou made a weak attempt at struggling. "This is embarrassing. I'm... strong.."

Kirishima simply adjusted his hold on Bakugou and headed for the office, where they could hunker down with All Might until this was taken care of.

"You're the strongest guy I know. That's why I love you."

Bakugou smiled faintly, then fell into unconsciousness once more.

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