Chapter #4

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*Luna Aella Fernandez*

I woke up around 9 am. Everyone was already up by then and decided we would just get some breakfast at IHOP. I decided on wearing a black crop top that was off-shoulder with light washed ripped jeans and a pair of heels. I added my Gucci purse and walked out to the truck.

By the time we finished breakfast, it was 10:30 am and we decided we should just go shopping at the stores on Hollywood boulevard (A/N: IDK if there actually are stores there. I'm talking about the ones that are on the road that are all lined up.)

Before we start shopping, I needed coffee. I told my dad that I'll be back and that he should just go to Armani, his favorite store. I walked into Starbucks and got in line. While I was there, I decided to check my phone for messages. I saw a lot of texts.

Ray Lopezzz 🥰

Ray Lopez🥰: Hey moon, whatcha doinnnn

Lunaaa 🌙: Hey Rayyyy, I'm actually at the Starbucks at Hollywood Boulevard rn.

The one in front of Armani

Ray Lopez🥰: You might want to turn around...

I put my phone down and turned around. Totally freaked out. I looked back and saw him standing there. He bud the person behind me and stood next to me.

"Hey, that was pretty creepy," I said laughing. He joined. "I never meant it in a creepy way," He said and smiled.

"What are you doing here anyway? You live like an hour away" I said as we moved in line. "Actually, me, Charli, Tony, Dixie, and Avani all decided to come shopping and I was getting hella bored. So I snuck out, made a bunch of tik toks, and decided to come here. I never expected to see you here." He said.

"Hi, can I get a Grande Iced coffee, no classic, 3 pumps of white mocha, 3 pumps of caramel, a Carmel drizzled on top, and extra cream."

"Ray, you get what you want and I'll pay," I said and got my phone out to apple pay. He ordered his drink and before I can put my phone on the machine, he blocked me and paid.

I gave him a look. "I could've paid ya know... but thanks for the free coffee," I said with a smile and walked towards the other end of the counter.

He smiled and said no problem. We kept a small talk until he got a call from Tony.

"Yo, I'm at Starbucks with Luna, I'm just gonna chill with her for a while. I was getting bored anyway. " and cut the call. While he was on the call, I grabbed both of our coffee's and walked outside.

"You wanna chill with me?" I asked. He nodded. "Your family won't mind right. I don't want to intrude." He said. "Don't worry, they won't mind" I said and we crossed the street to Armani.

We kept a small talk until I saw my dad. Doing what he does usually. Flirting with women. I went close to him and coughed a little. He gave me a look that I recognized. He wanted me to leave him so he could continue. I guess I was used to it. I grabbed Ondreaz's wrist and we walked into Sephora.

"OMG!!" I screamed. Ondreaz looked at me. "I just got a video idea!!"

"What?" he asked and sipped his drink.

Mine - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now