Chapter #11

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Ondreaz was mesmerized by Luna. You could tell that he truly loved her from the way he was looking at her.

The same with Luna, they had this chemistry that no one could beat

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The same with Luna, they had this chemistry that no one could beat.

"C'mon moon, let's get to the party," Ondreaz said. Luna smiled along. "Wait, whose party is it?" she asked. Ondreaz stood still for a moment. He thought he spoiled the surprise but he guessed he didn't.

"I don't really know. But forget that, I was actually thinking to announce our relationship. I mean it's been 7 months baby" Ondreaz was begging at this point. Luna nodded

"Of course baby. I was thinking the exact same thing." She smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

Ondreaz got a text on his phone meaning that everyone was in position and ready to go. "Come, baby, it's time to go, everyone is waiting" They both walked out of Nick's room and walked towards the kitchen.

"Why is everything shut off?" Luna asked. She was confused at this point. "I actually have no clue..." that's when everyone jumped out.

"CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS!!" Everyone in the house yelled. Luna had tears in her eyes. She turned around and looked at Ondreaz.

"You did all this?" she couldn't even properly speak

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"You did all this?" she couldn't even properly speak. She hadn't even gotten a surprise birthday party from her family or friends and her boyfriend gave her a surprise party just for a million followers.

She just grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him into a long sweet kiss. "WHOSE READY TO PARTYYYY" Bryce yelled and started throwing drinks to everyone.


"WOOOOOO" Luna was having the time of her life. She was taking shots with Bryce while Ondreaz was in the corner watching her. He was getting worried. He decided that it was going to be the last shot she was going to take. It was getting really late and it was 3:47 am.

On the other side, Tony was getting jealous that Luna and Ondreaz were having the best time, while he couldn't get together with his love, Addison.

Tony was drunk, but he knew what he was doing. He had gotten a pack of rape drug from Nikita Dragun (Please don't hateeeee), he saw that Ondreaz went to talk to David Dobrik and then poured it into a shot of tequila.

"LUNA! TAKE SHOTS WITH ME!" Tony was screaming over the music. She nodded and took 4 shots with him. He then grabbed her and started dancing to 'Dancing Queen'.

Ondreaz saw how close they both were dancing. Luna was starting to feel dizzy. "Tony, I don't feel good. I'm going to Ondreaz" Luna was getting really dizzy and nauseous. Tony nodded and let her walk away. Nikita saw her chance and went to talk to Tony.

"Go Tony, it's starting to affect now" She gave him a push, and Tony went running towards Luna. Once he got to her, he tried to act like Ondreaz.

"Hey baby, how you enjoying the party?" Tony asked while pushing Luna into the wall gently.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH RAYYYY, I JU...SSS.TTTTT WAAANTED TTTOOOOO SAY I ... hiccup... LL-OOOVEEEE YOUUU" and since Luna couldn't tell the difference between Tony and Ondreaz, as they were wearing similar clothing, Luna grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

Tony was happy. He had a crush on Luna as well.

"Yoo, Ondre... look" Nick pointed at Luna and Tony walking up the stairs. Ondreaz was pissed. He knew Luna was up to something.

Ondreaz ran upstairs to see what the two were doing. When he got to their room, he could hear Luna talking.

"I love youuuuuu sooooo muchhhh, y..o...iiuuuuuu literalllyyyy saveddd meeee" Ondreaz was angry as hell. He opened the door and saw that the two were cuddling on Tony's bed, fast asleep.

"I won't wake them up now... I'll talk to them in the morning" with that, Ondreaz went out and left the party to clear his mind.


*Luna Aella Fernandez*

"Uhhh.... what the hell." I looked around. I was beat from last night. I don't even remember what happened. I smiled to myself. I finally told Ondreaz that I love him. I felt like squealing, like a little girl.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 12:47 pm and I had 8 missed calls from Maddox and Dominic. I decided that I'll call back later and went into the washroom to get ready.

When I got out, I saw that Ondreaz and Tony were both in the room. I walked towards Ondreaz and sat on his lap. "Hey babyyy" I smiled and kissed his cheek. He just turned his face away from me and gently pushed me off his lap.

I looked at him confused. Tony looked up at me and I gave him a questioning look. He just starred and looked away.

"Um... what's wrong?" I asked.. he said something that I totally wasn't expecting.

"You need to leave our lives..." Ondreaz started. "What?!?" I was way too confused.

"I've been noticing lately that Tony and I have been distant from one another because of ... well you... and last night, you proved to me that you are not loyal"

"What are you talking about?!" I had tears in my eyes now. "You basically made out with Tony all night. I think we aren't good for each other. It's better if we break up before one of us gets to attached..."

"I WAS WITH YOU THE ENTIRE NIGHT! What are you talking about" I was sobbing by now. "I fucking told you I loved you and this is how you pay me back?! Why aren't you saying anything to Tony?! If you think I cheated on you, then he is apart of it to!" I was screaming. This is why I never wanted to date.

"HE SAID YOU FORCED YOURSELF ONTO HIM!" I was in disbelief. I couldn't believe, my own best friend had plotted against me.

"You need to leave Luna." was the last thing Ondreaz said to me before he walked out the door. Tony sat there. I quickly grabbed my things and ran down the stairs.

I saw that Brady was here which means he brought his car. He saw my face and he came towards me immediately.

I looked back and saw everyone in the house looking at me. I saw Tony and he mouthed 'I'm sorry' I just gave him my finger and walked to Brady's car. When I was about to open the door I got a call from my brother Dom.

Dom: Picolo, you need to get back home... Dad has the virus

Luna: What are you talking about?!

Dom: Dad got diagnosed with the Corona Virus, I'll explain when you get home

With that, he cut the phone. I was a sobbing mess. What kind of game is god playing on me?

Mine - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now