Chapter #5

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Luna Aella Fernandez

Ondreaz and I continued to shop for a couple of more hours until my feet started hurting.

"Ray, can we please sit somewhere? My feet are killing meee" I said. I was ready to pass out at this point. He nodded and we sat down outside of a cute cafe. He went to get himself something while I went on my phone and texted my dad.

Papa: Hey piccolo, I'm going home with a friend 👅

Papa: Dom already went home, his baby kept crying

Papa: Ask that boy that was with you to drop u or message me wherever you go

Luna: Ok

I put my phone down when I see someone sit in front of me.

"Oh hey Tony, weren't you shopping with the girls?" I asked while putting my phone back in my purse.

"They all went home with Thomas since he was in the area." He told me. "I actually wanted to ask you something..." he was hesitating

"Would I look good in a perm?" I started laughing. He looked confused. "I thought you were going to say something serious or something... I mean yea, you would look cute" I said and Ondreaz came and sat next to me after.

"Are you planning on getting it today?"I asked and took a bite out of the donut Ondreaz got himself. Tony nodded. I looked over at Ondreaz. "Ray, it's about time you get a haircut to," I said.

"Alright, let's go," Ondreaz said and we started walking towards their car. "Can you drop me off after? My family let me:" I said and Ondreaz nodded.

Ondreaz sat with me in the back and Tony was driving. I was going through my phone when Ondreaz grabbed my hand. I was startled. I looked over at him and he was paying attention to the road. I just smiled to myself and put my head on his shoulder and decided to take a nap.

"Hey, Moon wake up. We are at the salon" I felt Ondreaz shaking me. I got up and he helped me out of the car.

We all walked inside and they took Tony first since his process was longer. About thirty minutes later, Ondreaz went.

"YOO LUNA COME HERE" I took up from my phone and see Tony calling me. "Doesn't my brother look hot?" he asked and I turned around.

damnnn. "Wow Ray, you clean up well," I said and ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the temple. UGHHH I don't know what the hell I am feeling. He makes me all gibbery inside.

Once Tony was done, we made our way to the Hype house. This time Ondreaz was driving and I was in the passenger seat.

"are you guys busy tomorrow?" I asked them.

"No why?" Tony asked. "I wanted to go to Disneyland... my dad's probably busy getting ready for his trip and my brothers are busy with work and school."

"Yea we should all go. I could ask the rest to" Ondreaz added and I nodded.

We walked inside and I saw most of the people just chilling on the sofa. "Hey Luna!" I turned around and saw Charli waving. I waved back and proceeded to sit on the couch next to Nick. We made small talk until Ondreaz told me he was ready to film.

"Where do you want to film?" he asked and I just replied, "We could do your room?" He nodded and we walked there together.

He said we can use his camera and he set up.

Mine - Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now