Chapter #15

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*Luna Aella*

"Michael, why don't you get a girlfriend? I feel like your hella lonely sometimes" I said to Michael as I took a sip from his drink.

He looked at me disgusted. "You do know that the Corona Virus is still a thing right? Actually, you can take it" he gave me his drink and walked away.

I opened my phone and decided on going through my Instagram just to waste time, Ondreaz was gone somewhere with Tony and almost everyone else was gone to visit their families.


Luna: Hey Ray, imma stay the night at my brothers

Ray💕: See ya moon

Ray💕: Love you❤️

Luna: Love you to ☺️

I packed my clothes for the night and went out to my brand new G Wagon.

I got there in about an hour and went screaming in. "I'M BACK BITCHES!"

"Shut the hell up!" I recognized that voice! It was my sisters!

"DEL! YOU BITCH I MISSED YOU!" I went screaming into the living room and jumped on her.

"CAREFUL! She's pregnant! " Her man spoke from the other couch. My eyes and mouth were wide open.

"Babe! I'm so excited! Now we can share our pregnancies!" I started fake crying, showing my tears on happiness.

Delilah and her Husband, Daniel looked shocked. "Are you stupid?! You're only 20 for goodness sake!" I could tell Deliah was upset.

"Oh calm down Del, I'm joking," I said and took a sip of Daniels drink, but I ended up coughing it out.

"This is disgusting" I said and went to sit by my dad, who has fully recovered from the virus.

"You know you're an asshole right" Del started speaking towards papa. " You scared the hell out of me, I actually thought you were dying, I'm too young to have a father whose dead. Who's supposed to do my taxes?" Del finished.

"You're a grown-ass woman, you have a husband who can do it for you. I can't do everything for you. Learn from Luna, she's only 20 and doing her own taxes. " Papa finished.

"But..t..t her friends are rich and bought her a damn $200,000 G WAGON!" Del continued.

"Stop being a jealous bitch" I rolled my eyes. Sometimes she acts just like our aunt. A spoiled bitch.

"Anyways! I heard Wentworth might come over." Papa said. "Yeah, he texted me earlier today," I said and took a sip of papa's Starbucks coffee. At least he had a decent order.

"Why is he texting you? He could've texted any of us" I gave papa a look.

"If you're gonna continue complaining I'm going back to my boyfriend," I said and was ready to get up.

"Sit your ass down" Uncle Wentworth came through the door.


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