Chapter #10

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(A/N Sorry I haven't uploaded!!!! If you guys want to see something in the book or any ideas, please feel free to message me!)

*Luna Aella Fernandez*

Last night was hella scary for me. I never expected Tony to do such a thing. I woke up around 1:15pm and see that Tony was awake on his phone. I walked over to the washroom, first to get ready for the day. When I get out, I see Tony was going to walk to the other room.

"Antonio Levi Lopez! Stop right there!" I said and crossed my arms over my chest. I pointed to the bed as a gesture for him to sit down. He slowly walked back and sat down.

"Explain" Is all I said. 

"Luna... you knew how much of a crush I had on Addison. When she said she was dating Bryce... I snapped. Like he doesn't even deserve her!" He started yelling at this point.

"You didn't have to fuckin get drunk and fuckin get a concussion to prove anything! What you did was stupid!" I was yelling to. All the anger I had in me was coming out on him. "Go and fuckin apologize to Ondreaz!" With that, I said I walked out of the room and slammed the room door. 

A while after, I decided on making some french toast. I also made some for Ondreaz. Lately, he hasn't been that talkative or whatever. Probably because of the whole Tony situation. I walked upstairs with his plate.

"Here Ray, I made you some french toast" He smiled and put the plate on the bed. Then I walked up to me and put his arms around my neck. "Thanks, baby" he replied back and gave me a kiss on the lips. I smiled back at him. 

*Ondreaz Lopez*

Lately, I haven't been a good boyfriend to Luna. I didn't notice it until Avani pointed it out. We barely even sat together at the table for dinner. So I decided I needed to step up my game. 

I noticed that Luna was 200 followers away from 1 million on Instagram. Probably by tonight, she'll reach 1 Million so I decided to get a cake and balloons for her. Kouvre and Brady being her best friends, decided they want to party. So apparently it's only going to be the hype house and the Sway house but I think this party is going to get us a complaint from the neighbors since it is Wednesday. 

Right now, Luna is fast asleep and Tony and I are going to a bakery where we ordered Luna a cake. 

"Soo..." I started off with. Tony looked at me. "I'm sorry for everything I did..." Tony said.

"It's alright... but next time, instead of drowning yourself with alcohol, come talk to me or even Luna. Cause if her brother wasn't there, you would've been in jail right now." I said and took a right turn. I looked over at him and he just nodded.

"I'm very thankful for her... I'm so glad you met her" He said and we both got out of the car. 

The cake cost me $300 but I would do anything for Luna. 

"Have you guys said the L word yet?" Tony asked. He was driving now. I smiled. "No, I've actually been meaning to say it to her. I'm just waiting for the right moment. Maybe tonight I will"

After about 20 minutes, we arrived at Target. Kouvre was kind enough to order and pay for the letter 1 Million. We picked those up... and let me tell you, it was hard to shove all those letters in the car. 


Kouvre: Hey, Luna just fell asleep... I think we are good to set up

Ondreaz: Ok, we are almost there. Which room is she asleep in?

Kouvre: She was making Tik Toks with Nick and Avani and she fell asleep in Nick's room

Ondreaz: Ok, great! That's the furthest room from the  living room. Be there in 10 minutes

We got home 10 minutes later and we see a bunch of cars. I walked inside with the balloons and see the Sway boys were here. Addison was sitting with Bryce. I turn back to see Tony but he just smiled at me and walked towards the kitchen. 

I greet all the boys and they started setting up all the balloons. The decorations were almost all done and almost everyone went to get ready. 

"Avani! Are you going to give Luna a dress?" I asked her. She nodded. "Don't give anything away" with that she walked upstairs with Anthony. I walked into my room and got dressed then started heading towards Nick's room, cause that's where the girls were getting ready.

I met Nick halfway through the stairs. "Man, the girls kicked me out of my own room." He pouted. I just laughed and kept walking. 

"OPEN THE DOOR! I WANNA SEE MY GIRLFRIEND!" I was pounding on the door. The girls made me wait for a good 10 minutes outside the door. 

"WHY YALL TAKING SO L..." I was stunned. She looked absolutely breathtaking. 

"Damnnnn baby, you look beautiful" I kissed her lips and gave her the tightest hug. 

(A/N Next chapter is going to be longer and some drama😉... sorry for taking soooo long)

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