Chapter #16

609 16 2

*Luna Aella*

So it's been 3 days since we found out I might be prego and today was our ultrasound. We haven't told anyone else except for Tony, Kouvre, Dixie, and Charli. We wanted to confirm first. 

I had asked Dixie to come along with Ondreaz and I along with Tony. 

"Moon, we're going to the car, come soon," Ondreaz said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out. 

"Ok, Dixie, tell me what's wrong," I asked Dixie as I sprayed myself with perfume. I was wearing a long loose orange t-shirt with ripped jeans and heels. 

"Um... I haven't told anyone yet, but Chase texted me saying that Griffin cheated on me. I mean I don't know for sure." Dixie seemed truly upset. She was so excited when she started dating Griffin. 

"Why don't you try asking him? I don't want you to lose your relationship with him because of lies. You know what happened to me and Ondre, it was extremely hard." I said as we walked out the front door to Tony's tesla. 

"Ok, we will talk more later, I don't want anyone knowing." She said and sat down behind the driver's seat. 

"Sooooo...." we were 10 minutes into our drive and no one was saying anything. "Are you excited?" Tony asked me. 

"I mean, I'm hella scared." I was kinda freaked out. My sister's been a pain in the ass since she is also pregnant. 

"Don't worry, you're baby has many uncles and aunts to help" I almost started crying. Ughhh hormones. 

We arrived at the gynecologist after 10 min. "You two go on and Dixie and I will go get food," Tony said and sat back in the car. I grabbed my purse and put it around my shoulders and then grabbed Ondreaz's hand and walked to the office. 

"Hello! Do you have an appointment?" the front lady asked. I smiled. "Yes, for Luna Fernandez," I said and she nodded. "Ok, the doctor will be with you in 10 minutes, please have a seat," she said and we both sat down. 

"You know, I have free health care in Canada," I said looking at Ondreaz. "Don't you want to get your dual citizen here?" He asked and grabbed my phone and started going through my Instagram. 

I know that's probably weird but it's not like I'm hiding anything. He lets me go through his phone and he goes through my phone. 

"I mean, I don't know yet. I wanna talk to papa first ya know. " I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked across from me and saw a picture of a pregnant lady. I immediately sat up. I looked over at Ondreaz. He gave me a 'what' look. 

"Are you still gonna love me when I'm that big?" I asked. He gave me a chuckle in return. "She's probably pregnant with twins," he said. " But I'd love you if you were bald to" I gave him a look. 

"Luna Fernandez?" This nurse came into the room calling my name. We both stood up and she led us to a room. "The doctor will be with you shortly." She smiled and left the room. 

A couple of minutes later, the doctor came in. He looked to be about mid 50's early 60's.

"Hello, Ms, Fernandez, how are you today?" he asked as he got ready to put the gel on my stomach. 

"I'm great"

 "So this is the father?" I nodded. "Hello, I'm Ondreaz" he introduced himself. 

"Well let's take a look at what we got" I pulled my shirt up and he put the gel on my stomach.

"As you can see, you are definitely pregnant. You look about 17 weeks pregnant." I looked over at Ondreaz, and we both had tears in our eyes. 

"Oh..." the doctor said. I looked alarmed. I then look at the screen. "Is there something wrong?" 

"Well it looks like you are becoming parents for 2" he said. 

"Wait, what?" Ondreaz was confused.

"Ray! We're having twins!" I was over the moon. 

"I will give the nurse all the details and she will book your next appointment. As of now, the due date will be sometime around October 20 to October 30th"

Wow, what if we have our babies on my birthday. That would be amazing. 

I couldn't take off the grin on my face. We agreed that first, we won't tell anyone about having twins yet.


"DIXIE! YOU BITCH COME BACK HERE!" You're probably wondering why I'm screaming. Well, Dixie is running away from her problems. She was supposed to go on a date with Griffin but she doesn't want to since Chase is apparently telling her that he cheated on her. 

"Dixie listen, go on a date. You guys weren't even dating at that time. At least give him a chance." I said and went to my closet to give her some clothes.  


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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