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"You are such a dick," Michael tells Calum after another chicken wing is stolen from his plate

Calum laughs and picks it clean, then dangles the bone in front of him, "oh, you want it back?"

Mia giggles and I smile at how cute she is with her nose scrunched up and her eyes squinted shut.

We've been out of the water for about 45 minutes while we eat (and the boys drink.) Everyone's swim suits have had time to dry, and no one really wants to get back in and have to dry off again later.

Except for Michael, who probably just wants to get too fucking close to Mia again.

Mia leans back into my chest and I wrap my arms around her, rocking us a little bit, "are you doing alright?"

"I really need a nap."

"I agree, I should kick all these losers out and carry you up to my bed," I say and immediately realize how weird it sounds, "I mean, uh-"

Mia giggles softly and looks up at me, "that would be nice, Luke." Her eyes are such a pretty green that I feel myself get lost in them. They're like if gold melted all over a piece of jade.

"So what are we going to do now, since you guys don't want to get in the pool, despite the hot ass weather?"

Michael's mocking tone and sarcastic attitude pisses me off even more, but it's probably just because it came from him. We're all a little tipsy, and when Michael drinks he loses his filter.

"We could watch a movie?" Mia suggests, but Michael quickly groans and throws his head back, "I just want to swimmm..." he draws out the word for so long that my head hurts.

"No one else wants to, Mike," I tell him, my head bent down in the crook of Mia's neck.

I don't even care if I'm giving off flirty vibes to everyone, I want Michael to know that he needs to back off

"That's easy for you to say, you can swim whenever you want to!"

Michael groans in his chair dramatically, everyone else looking at each other with blank stares, like on the Office.

Michael gets up and practically stomps over to the side of the pool, sitting down and putting his feet in the water.

Mia looks at me and pouts, "I feel bad. He's right, we always have a pool and we're being kind of mean."

"Mia, he wants to flirt with you and be wet while doing it," I whisper in her ear, "let me get them to leave and we can take a nap."

She looks down at her lap and I can tell she doesn't feel good about it, "please?" I plead with her.

"Okay, but I'm gonna go talk to him while you guys finish up eating, just to make him feel better."

"Six feet apart," I joke and take my arms from around her.

She pulls herself from the chair and I watch her walk over to Michael, sitting down next to him. She sticks her feet in the water and splashed around a little.

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