11 | Cigarettes

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"Obviously, I'll marry Professor. And I'll kiss Helsinki. Coz he's like this cute big puppy. And I'm going to kill Berlin, I mean he's smart, but he just annoys the hell out of me sometimes. Plus, he's really unpredictable." Nairobi said, then blowing a puff from her cigarette.

Nairobi's words actually surprised me. Is that how they really see Berlin? Unpredictable? I mean I can't blame them. If I didn't know Berlin well too, I'll be thinking the same way. Maybe, as his best friend, I wanted them to know him well enough too, for them to see the sweet and gentle side of the unpredictable man they see.

We then faced Tokyo, since it's her turn to speak now, "I'll marry Professor, so I can always be bailed out of jail by that brain of his. And I'll kiss, Rio. And maybe have more than just a kiss." Tokyo winked before continuing, "And I'll also kill Berlin, because I think he already knows about Rio and I."

Nairobi and I looked at each other. Then we turned to Tokyo. "You and Rio?" Nairobi asked.

"Yeah, we kind of had did it the past few nights. And since, Berlin's room is right next to me, I don't doubt he already knows." Tokyo shrugged.

I think all of us already knew it will happen sooner or later. These two were not that subtle. With how they look at each other across the table and the constant flirting. Even a fake fortune-teller can guess that.

A side of me was partly happy about this news. With them breaking the rules, it won't be too hard for Berlin and I, to act like we're best friends, again. The only problem is that, how would they picture it, because they might also picture as a couple. But whatever, I just wan to touch him again without Professor getting mad since someone already broke the rule. Not like I really want to touch Berlin, it's just that I miss- why am I even discussing this in my head.

The two girls are now looking at me to say who would I marry, kiss and kill. The three of us are hanging out on Nairobi's room. We've been talking about different stuff, like where's the worst place we had sex, our celebrity crushes, and we even talked about our lives before this, in which I found out that Nairobi has a son, and that Tokyo's lover was shot dead.

The three of us have become really close after these few weeks. Both of them felt like the sisters I never had, and we're doing some girl talks. It made me really happy since I was an only child, and on my teenager years instead of hanging out with some girls in my school and paint our nails, instead Berlin and I were painting on canvases in my garage.

They were both waiting for my choice, and I was thinking on who to say. "Well, I'd marry Moscow because he's a father material. I'll kiss Helsinki too. And I'll kill Denver, he can be a bit stupid sometimes, and he stresses his father out." I said.

The truth is, my real answers is far from that. I'd actually marry Berlin, if only destiny was on my side. But after all those years of trying, I gave up. And the most obvious reason is I don't want to ruin our friendship. And fast forward, he ended up marrying five women. But not one of those five is me. I'm still hoping though, it's okay even if I'm the 28th.

As we were talking, both of them just figured out that I didn't smoke. Almost all of us in the group smokes. And after a few days of inhaling smoke instead of air with how frequent they light cigars, I kind of got used to it. I know it's not good, but I can't just tell them to stop right? Not like they would anyway.

For this past twenty minutes the two girls have been forcing me to try one. Saying that I would like it after a few drags. Even before, I was always curious why others are addicted to it, but I was also afraid that I might get addicted to it if I try too.

"Come on, one drag won't kill you."

"Just once, if you don't like it, we'll stop."

"Yeah, but it's totally normal when you cough a lot in your first try."

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