17 | The Talk

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You know that particular moment that you've been dreaming for almost your whole life, for example, most of us girls have that dream wedding with the perfect guy and with all the flowers, our families and friends all together. You'd want to cherish every second of that moment and remember it all, because of it's importance to you and how special it is for you.

I never thought of falling in love with my best friend, but when I started experiencing puberty and my hormones went crazy, and after watching those chick flick movies and reading tons of mills and boons, suddenly Andres is in a different angle of light.

I've been with this guy for almost my whole life. I was with him in his first steal and we both meet up right after he lost his virginity. And I should definitely be awarded as the best actress for 'acting like she wasn't in love with her best friend' award.

Dude, I've watched the man get married five times, worrying each time that what if this one would be really the one for him. And don't get me started about how I imagined myself to be the one walking down the aisle in each of those weddings. And the funny thing is, the groom didn't have a best man, instead he had a best woman. And I was contented with that. I guess, you gotta be happy with what you get.

Pfft. Best Woman my ass.

What I wouldn't do to be the one to take action after the words 'You may kiss the bride' is said.

I've dated a good number of men. I've done it with them. I've kissed a lot of them. But all those kisses were just the same. And the only kiss that wouldn't be ordinary is something I couldn't have. Lucky me!

That's why I am in my room right now, catching my breath, and breathing air through my mouth. I am somewhat panicking. I've already thought about getting a kiss from Berlin, but damn, I already have a lot of scripts and scenarios on where and how I want it to happen. After watching all those romance movies, I expected to have a kiss in the rain with him. But of course, fate is my best friend, so I just had to have my first kiss with him when I was drunk.

After lunch, and after I remembered everything, the hangover seemed to be gone in a second, and a new headache of me overthinking about that kiss came. Eventually, I'd have to talk to him about that. I need to know what he thinks and feels about it.

Did he mean it?

Did he like it? Well, of course, it was just a peck but whatever.

Or did he just do it to shut my drunk ass?

I groaned in my pillow after all those thoughts kept swirling inside this throbbing brain of mine. I know I sound stupid. Like a fucking teenager that had her first kiss.

But I just had my first kiss. WITH HIM!

I need to calm myself down. The only way to calm this heart of mine is to talk with him and get all the answers fresh from his mouth. And I'd need to do it tonight.


After dinner, and great acting of composure, I quickly went to my room, and prepared myself before taking to Berlin. And when I say prepare, what I mean is,

Took a long shower.

Exfoliated my whole body.

Used my most fragrant shampoo and body wash.


Brushed my teeth for ten minutes.

Flossed my teeth.

Used mouthwash, even though it stings a lot.

Applied cherry-flavored lip balm.

And to finish it off,

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