Chapter 7 zalfie?

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Alfie's POV:

'Wait what?!?' I said genuinely cofused, I mean I wanted Zalfie to be real but nothing had happened, yet

'Oh yeah sure, you have nooooo idea what I'm talking about' Joe pestered me, maybe Zoe has feeling for me? I felt a rise of hope

'Anyway Zoe would never go for a guy like me' I said dismissing the conversation but really to get Joe to confess if Zoe had told him anything.

'Are you kidding, do you see the way she looks at you?' He said as if it was in overhead flashing lights.

'I don't think so, but she is beautiful and sweet and sex.....' I said before being cut off

'Woah! Last part there, I agree and I think you should ask her out, how about now!'

'Em, NO! What if she says no then for the rest of the trip; In vlogs, main channel videos, around our friends it would be weird!' I said frantically

'No you are going to do it and oh look here she comes!'
He said and did a little dance jig over to Zoe.

Zoe's POV;

'What was that about?' I said giggling

'Oh me and Alfie were having a man talk' he said in his deepest voice.

'Zoe, can I talk to you over here for a minute? I heard Alfie say.

We walked around the back of Starbucks where we were alone he seemed nervous I hoped nothing was wrong.

'Zoe Elizabeth sugg, I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to protect you from anyone and anything and grow old together.......' He said. His voice was shaking and he spoke these words with such passion that I have only read about. But somewhere deep inside of me it felt right and it felt good.

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