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So this is officially my second story. I wanted to try something different this time and this is how it ended up. I actually liked this and wanted to try it out. So I hope people will read it without showing much bias because of the genre. And if anyone is disappointed by the genre, then sorry not sorry. I write what I like. 😅🙈

It took me quite a while than before to work on this story. I should say I struggled a bit for this than before. You can put it as something like, I had to be more professional of a writer than being an amateur like I was when I wrote my first story. So it took me a bit of effort. A lot maybe. 😅But then my friend and beta reader helped me through it a lot. I am so thankful to her actually. I don't know who to ask for help if not her. She is going to read it too, so I hope she reads this part too. 😅😂 But then she is going to text me that it is fine and she is honored for being able to do it for me. She will also say that it was nothing much and it is me who did the whole thing and all. I know her too well. 😉😜 But still I wanted to tell this.

And also my sister helped me through it as well and the names were her choices for the main leads. She suggested them and I liked them too. I am very thankful to her too.😁 In fact I am releasing this on her birthday. She asked me to do it when I told her I am posting my new story. And I don't really have any gift for her, so this is going to be it. Too much of my life story, sorry. 😅🙈

For the characters I had Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo in my mind. Kind of, not totally. And this is NOT a fanfic or anything. I just imagined them in the place of Leo (XZ) and Luke (WY). Nothing much about it. And if you don't know them also well and good, I don't mind it, you can imagine who ever and enjoy the story. It would be even better if you just imagine the couple you like as well. 😅

I hope the ones who will read this will like it and please add my story and vote for it too. I will be grateful to all of you. Thank you in advance. And please do read my other story too.🤗 I will start posting soon. 😁

I also have to talk about this. There is a book called "The school idol's roommate" by  At12MN . It is a really good book. I personally like it a lot. It is the first book I read and finished. 😅😂 It was a book that I've waited for the updates all the time. And I still follow other works as well. It was kind of an inspiration too. Thanks for the help as well. 😁

Please forgive me if there are any errors and please look forward to it as well. 🤗

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