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Bohemia Midford was the only Gryffindor in a family of Ravenclaws

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Bohemia Midford was the only Gryffindor in a family of Ravenclaws. She didn't quite understand it herself because her Ravenclaw parents filled her mind with logistics and articles instead of magazines and fantasy stories her whole life. During summers, she would stay inside, reading whatever book her parents assigned that day, along with a worksheet of problems.

There was no doubt she would take as many O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. classes she could each year as soon as she stepped into Hogwarts, and she lived up to that expectation. Students thought her to be insane, but she was simply trying to live up to her parents' exceptions.

Her older sister was an Auror, while her eldest brother was a lawyer within the Ministry. It was only expected she followed their route.

Since the day she realized she hated being under pressure and scrutiny from her parents, she decided to become an Auror because they had a high chance of death each mission. Perhaps that shouldn't have been her logic, but if she died by accident, there would less backlash on her family. It wouldn't have been pretty if their youngest daughter committed suicide, after all.

She was still the young lamb in the family. They treated her like a bay, but they expected her to have the brain of an educated professor. They made no sense at times, but still, she lived with them and submitted to their every request.

Before Hogwarts, she never had friends, and that didn't change. She had a resting bitch face, making it difficult for people to approach her, and she could never approach others. She had become a body in the shadows, never rising to the occasion or speaking out because that was how she had lived her whole life - in the shadow of her older siblings. She had grown used to it without realizing it.

When asked who Bohemia was, most students would reply with "Huh? Who's that?" She could slip through people's fingers easily, knowing every secret passage in the castle as well as knowing the right people for the right occasion. It definitely didn't help Oliver Wood in attempting to find her whenever she ran away from him. The fact that her parents enrolled her in ballet school at a young age didn't help him at all. She could be right behind him and he still wouldn't hear her.

Oliver Wood was a people person. Mainly, a Gryffindor person. He was known for his passion for quidditch. At times, he would rush to say things without thinking of what the implied meaning could be, causing people to think wrong of him.

Despite that, he was remarkably humble concerning his own skill, putting the team's success down to the other members of the team. He would often be more concerned about his teammates than himself. He was like a mother hen, pushing plates of food toward his teammates days following up to a match. At times, he wouldn't eat anything himself, fat too busy scribbling quidditch plans at the food table rather than eating.

He was extremely loyal to Gryffindor and saw the success of the Gryffindor team as a success as a whole. If the Gryffindor team won a match, then all of Gryffindor won. He loved seeing the joy and awe on first years' face after the first Gryffindor match.

Added to his loyalty was fairness. He was extremely strict against any foul play. He despised and had no tolerance for such in his team. Despite wanting to win every match with a fiery passion, he wouldn't hesitate to kick someone who cheated off the team.

He never seemed to realize that his long-winded pep talks did not engage the rest of the team, and indeed frequently disgruntled them, possibly decreasing their motivation.

He had never been interested in dating, clubs, or studying in his free time. Each passing second was full of quidditch. He made sure to hone his talent and make it so that it was recognized by scouts when the time came. He had something to live for, while Bohemia didn't. They differed in many ways, but that was the largest difference.

When rumors of Oliver Wood chasing after a ghost began to spread, Bohemia realized her last year at Hogwarts wouldn't be as peaceful as she wanted.

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