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Oliver and Bohemia had been together for four years

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Oliver and Bohemia had been together for four years. He joined Puddlemere United as a reserve player, while Bohemia studied to be a Healer. She had thrown the idea of being an Auror out after deciding Oliver wasn't so bad to be around.

She did not have trust issues, but she was paranoid, so when she purposefully cast a horrible Contraceptive Charm, she knew what she was getting into. During the year of the Second Wizarding War, Fraser Wood was born, allowing Oliver to stay at home with his girlfriend and son instead of fighting in the war.

Bohemia knew what she did was selfish of her, but she couldn't have him die. Besides, she decided a child was a great way to strengthen their bond. Oliver had never mentioned marriage because he was constantly busy with quidditch and Bohemia was always averting the topic because she thought it was too troublesome.

Her parents were less than happy to find out she had gotten pregnant and given birth at only twenty-two, but she did her best to block them out with the help of Oliver. She had never told her parents how they made her feel because she was scared, and she was all right with being scared.

Bohemia and Oliver decided to marry once Fraser was five. Oliver knew loads of people, so they had a big ceremony, but a private dance and dinner since she didn't like the attention. Though, she felt a bit silly since most of the attention had been on Harry Potter during the ceremony.

At the age of eleven, Fraser had received his letter to Hogwarts. He eagerly wrote to his parents that he had been Sorted into Gryffindor upon arrival. And for the first time in her life, Bohemia was glad she, her husband, and their child were Gryffindors and not Ravenclaws.

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