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Once N.E.W.T. level Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall was over, Bohemia stayed behind, packing up slowly as she normally did in order to be the last student who left the classroom. She decided that no one looked back to see who was the last student, but they looked in front of them as they walked out, and she did not want people to look at her.

Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she left the classroom, shocked to see Oliver standing by the door. His face lit up once she saw her.

"Midford!" he exclaimed, drawing attention to both of them.

Bohemia made a note to take secret passageways from now on. She shrunk from the unwanted attention, slinking her head down and brushing past Oliver. He froze for a moment before rushing after her.

"How was class?" he asked.

"It was fine," she answered.

"N.E.W.T. level, huh? You must be smart. I'm shocked you're not in Ravenclaw."

Her nostrils flared. She didn't want to be reminded that she was the only Gryffindor in a family of Ravenclaws. She didn't want to think about her family member's faces when she wrote to them that she hadn't gotten sorted in Ravenclaw.

"Yeah, I'm shocked too," she muttered.

Her hand gripped the sling of her bag tightly. Oliver began to talk, but she wasn't listening to him. All she could think about was her family.


"What?" she snapped.

"As I was saying, George needs to get a better handle on his bat - "

"Wood, I know nothing about quidditch. Can't you talk to someone else?" she asked.

"I'm talking to you about it because you know nothing about quidditch. It's a marvelous sport! It's - It's a rush!" he exclaimed.

"Wood, I appreciate that - sort of - but you really shouldn't because I will never attend a quidditch game. Sports aren't my sort of thing."

Oliver wasn't the sort of person to back down. During games, no matter what the score, he would keep pushing. Gryffindor could be three hundred points behind and he'd still push himself and his team.

"They will be," declared Oliver.

Bohemia groaned. "Dear Rowena, do you ever give up?"

"It's not like a Gryffindor to give up," he replied.

Bohemia went silent at that. He was right, but she had given up since the day she was born.

HIDE AND SEEK.  ❪ Oliver Wood ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now